From iris.algebra Require Import frac auth list.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
Require Import Eqdep_dec List.
From cap_machine Require Import addr_reg_sample macros_new.
From cap_machine Require Import rules logrel.
From cap_machine Require Import monotone keylist.
From cap_machine.proofmode Require Import tactics_helpers solve_pure proofmode contiguous map_simpl.
Section sealing.
Context {Σ:gFunctors} {memg:memG Σ} {regg:regG Σ}
{nainv: logrel_na_invs Σ}
`{MP: MachineParameters}
{seals:sealStoreG Σ}
{mono : sealLLG Σ}.
(* Assume r_t1 contains a capability representing a sealed value.
First we must check that its permission is RWX (or the environment could derive
an O capability from the entrypoint to malloc), and that its range is 1
(to make sure it has the authority of a seal)
Get its b field, find the corresponding value in the linked list contained in r_env.
Result is returned in r_t1; clear r_env for security and return. *)
(* Arguments: r_t1
Return point: r_t0
Uses: r_env r_t4 (r_t2 rt_3 are used by findb) *)
Definition unseal_instrs :=
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t3 r_t1 ] ++
reqperm_instrs r_t3 (encodePerm RWX) ++
reqsize_exact_instrs r_t3 1 ++
encodeInstrsW [ GetB r_t1 r_t3
; Mov r_t4 (inr r_t0) (* Save return point *)
; Mov r_t0 (inr PC) (* Setup the return point for findb *)
; Lea r_t0 (inl (length findb_instr + 3)%Z)
] ++ (encodeInstrW (Load r_env r_env) :: findb_instr) ++
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_env (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Mov r_t0 (inr r_t4) (* Restore return capability *)
; Mov r_t4 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Jmp r_t0
Definition unseal_instrs_length := Eval cbn in length (unseal_instrs).
(* Assume r_t1 contains the word to seal.
Append it to the linked list contained in r_env.
Subseg the new capability to bottom range
clear r_env and return *)
(* Arguments: r_t1
Return point: r_t0
Uses: r_env r_t2 r_t7 (r_t3 r_t4 r_t5 r_t6 used by appendb) *)
Definition seal_instrs f_m :=
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t7 (inr r_t0) (* Save return point *)
; Mov r_t0 (inr PC) (* Setup the return point for findb *)
; Lea r_t0 (inl (length (appendb_instr f_m) + 2)%Z)
] ++ appendb_instr f_m ++
encodeInstrsW [ GetB r_t2 r_t1
; Add r_t3 r_t2 1
; Subseg r_t1 r_t2 r_t3
; Mov r_env (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Mov r_t2 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Mov r_t3 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Mov r_t0 (inr r_t7) (* Restore return capability *)
; Mov r_t7 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Jmp r_t0
Definition seal_instrs_length := Eval cbn in length (seal_instrs 0%Z).
(* Create two closures for sealing and unsealing assuming that their code is preceding this one.
Specifically, we assume the memory layout is unseal_instrsseal_instrsmake_seal_preamble *)
(* This works by:
1. Malloc an empty linked list, thus obtaining some capability c.
2. Create a closure with access to c, and containing the code unseal_instr.
3. Create a closure with access to c, and containing the code seal_instr.
4. Return closure for unsealing in r_t1 and sealing in r_t2. *)
(* Arguments: None
Return point: rt_0
Uses: r_t1 r_t2 r_t8 r_t9 r_t10 *)
Definition make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m :=
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t8 PC (* Copy PC into r_t8 *)
; Lea r_t8 (- (Z.of_nat seal_instrs_length))%Z (* Capability pointing to code for seal_instrs *)
++ malloc_instrs f_m 1 ++ (* Malloc an empty list *)
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t9 r_t1 (* Keep a copy of the capability to the list *)
; Mov r_t2 r_t1 (* Prepare for creating closure, r_t2 must contain environment *)
; Mov r_t1 r_t8 (* Prepare for creating closure, r_t1 must contain code *)
++ crtcls_instrs f_m ++ (* Create the closure for seal, result in r_t1 *)
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t10 r_t1 (* Closure for seal now in r_t10 *)
; Lea r_t8 (inl (- (Z.of_nat unseal_instrs_length))%Z) (* Capability pointing to code for seal_instrs *)
; Mov r_t1 r_t8 (* Prepare for creating closure for unseal, code *)
; Mov r_t2 r_t9 (* Prepare for creating closure for unseal, environment *)
++ crtcls_instrs f_m ++ (* Create the closure for unseal, result in r_t1 *)
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t2 r_t10 (* Closure for seal now in r_t2 *)
; Mov r_t8 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing registers *)
; Mov r_t9 (inl 0%Z)
; Mov r_t10 (inl 0%Z)
; Jmp r_t0 (* Return *)
Definition make_seal_preamble f_m ai :=
([∗ list] a_i;w_i ∈ ai;(make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m), a_i ↦ₐ w_i)%I.
Lemma unseal_spec pc_p pc_b pc_e (* PC *)
wret (* return cap *)
wsealed (* p b e a *) (* input cap *)
ll ll' (* linked list head and pointers *)
a_first (* special adresses *)
ι γ φ Ep (* invariant/gname names *)
Φ {Hpers : ∀ w, Persistent (Φ w)} (* this predicate is chosen by the client at creation *) :
(* PC assumptions *)
ExecPCPerm pc_p →
(* Program adresses assumptions *)
SubBounds pc_b pc_e a_first (a_first ^+ length unseal_instrs)%a →
(* linked list ptr element d *)
(ll + 1)%a = Some ll' →
up_close (B:=coPset) ι ⊆ Ep →
PC ↦ᵣ WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e a_first
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ r_env ↦ᵣ WCap RWX ll ll' ll
∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ (* WCap (p, b, e, a) *) wsealed
∗ (∃ w, r_t2 ↦ᵣ w)
∗ (∃ w, r_t3 ↦ᵣ w)
∗ (∃ w, r_t4 ↦ᵣ w)
(* invariant for d *)
∗ sealLL ι ll γ Φ
(* token which states all non atomic invariants are closed *)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
(* trusted code *)
∗ codefrag a_first unseal_instrs
∗ ▷ φ FailedV
∗ ▷ (PC ↦ᵣ updatePcPerm wret
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z
∗ (∃ b b' a w pbvals, ⌜wsealed = WCap RWX b b' a ∧ (b + 1)%a = Some b' ∧ (b',w) ∈ pbvals⌝ ∗ prefLL γ pbvals ∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ w ∗ r_env ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z ∗ Φ w)
∗ r_t3 ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z
∗ r_t4 ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z
∗ codefrag a_first unseal_instrs
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ φ }})
WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ φ }}.
iIntros (Hvpc Hcont Hd Hnclose) "(HPC & Hr_t0 & Hr_env & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hr_t4 & #Hseal_inv & Hown & Hprog & Hφfailed & Hφ)".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hprog") as %Hprog_length.
iDestruct "Hr_t2" as (w2) "Hr_t2".
iDestruct "Hr_t3" as (w3) "Hr_t3".
iDestruct "Hr_t4" as (w4) "Hr_t4".
focus_block_0 "Hprog" as "Hprog" "Hcont".
iInstr "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 1 "Hprog" as mid Hmid "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply reqperm_spec;iFrameAutoSolve.
iNext. destruct (isPermWord wsealed RWX) eqn:Hperm;[|iFrame].
destruct wsealed as [z|[p b e a|]|];try by inversion Hperm.
apply bool_decide_eq_true_1 in Hperm as <-.
iExists _,_,_. iSplit;eauto. iIntros "(HPC & Hprog & Hr_t3 & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 2 "Hprog" as mid0 Hmid0 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply reqsize_spec;iFrameAutoSolve.
iNext. destruct (1 =? e - b)%Z eqn:Hsize;cycle 1.
{ iFrame. }
iIntros "HH". iDestruct "HH" as (w1 w0) "(Hprog & HPC & Hr_t3 & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
codefrag_facts "Hprog". simpl in H, H0.
focus_block 3 "Hprog" as mid1 Hmid1 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iGo "Hprog". simpl in *. instantiate (1 := (mid1 ^+ 18)%a). solve_addr.
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 4 "Hprog" as a_middle Ha_middle "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply findb_spec; iFrameAutoSolve; eauto.
iFrame "# ∗".
iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hr_t0 & Hr_t2 & HisList & Hr_t3 & Hprog & Hown)".
iDestruct "HisList" as (b_a b' b'' w pbvals) "(%HX & Hpref & Hr_t1 & Hr_env & #HΦ)".
destruct HX as (HA & HA1 & HB & HC).
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
eapply finz_of_z_eq_inv in HA. subst b_a; auto.
assert (e = b')%Z as <-.
{ solve_addr. }
rewrite (updatePcPerm_cap_non_E pc_p pc_b pc_e (mid1 ^+ 18)%a ltac:(destruct Hvpc; congruence)).
focus_block 5 "Hprog" as a_middle' Ha_middle' "Hprog" "Hcont".
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iApply "Hφ"; iFrame "# ∗".
iExists _,_,_. iPureIntro; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma seal_spec Φ (* client chosen seal predicate *)
pc_p pc_b pc_e (* PC *)
wret (* return cap *)
w (* input z *)
ll ll' pbvals (* linked list head and pointers *)
a_first (* special adresses *)
rmap (* register map *)
f_m b_m e_m (* malloc addrs *)
b_r e_r a_r a_r' (* environment table addrs *)
ι ι1 γ Ep φ (* invariant/gname names *)
{Hpers : ∀ w, Persistent (Φ w)} (* the client chosen predicate is persistent *) :
(* PC assumptions *)
ExecPCPerm pc_p →
(* Program adresses assumptions *)
SubBounds pc_b pc_e a_first (a_first ^+ length (seal_instrs f_m))%a →
(* linked list ptr element head *)
(ll + 1)%a = Some ll' →
dom rmap = all_registers_s ∖ {[ PC; r_env; r_t0; r_t1 ]} →
(* environment table *)
withinBounds b_r e_r a_r' = true →
(a_r + f_m)%a = Some a_r' →
up_close (B:=coPset) ι ⊆ Ep →
up_close (B:=coPset) ι1 ⊆ Ep ∖ ↑ι →
PC ↦ᵣ WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e a_first
∗ r_env ↦ᵣ WCap RWX ll ll' ll
∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ w
∗ Φ w
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ ([∗ map] r↦w ∈ rmap, r ↦ᵣ w)
(* own token *)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
(* trusted code *)
∗ codefrag a_first (seal_instrs f_m)
(* malloc *)
∗ na_inv logrel_nais ι1 (malloc_inv b_m e_m)
∗ pc_b ↦ₐ WCap RO b_r e_r a_r
∗ a_r' ↦ₐ WCap E b_m e_m b_m
(* linked list invariants *)
∗ sealLL ι ll γ Φ
∗ prefLL γ pbvals
∗ ▷ (PC ↦ᵣ updatePcPerm wret
∗ r_env ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ pc_b ↦ₐ WCap RO b_r e_r a_r
∗ a_r' ↦ₐ WCap E b_m e_m b_m
∗ ([∗ map] r↦w ∈ <[r_t2:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t3:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t4:=WInt 0%Z]>
(<[r_t5:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t6:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t7:=WInt 0%Z]> rmap))))), r ↦ᵣ w)
∗ (∃ a a' pbvals', ⌜(a + 1)%a = Some a'⌝ ∗ prefLL γ (pbvals ++ pbvals' ++ [(a',w)]) ∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WCap RWX a a' a' ∗ a ↦ₐ WInt 0)
∗ codefrag a_first (seal_instrs f_m)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ φ }})
WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ λ v, φ v ∨ ⌜v = FailedV⌝ }}.
iIntros (Hvpc Hcont Hhd Hdom Hbounds Hf_m Hnclose Hnclose') "(HPC & Hr_env & Hr_t1 & HΦw & Hr_t0 & Hregs & Hown & Hprog & #Hmalloc & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & #Hseal_inv & #Hpref & Hφ)".
codefrag_facts "Hprog".
focus_block_0 "Hprog" as "Hprog" "Hcont".
assert (is_Some (rmap !! r_t7)) as [w7 Hw7];[rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdom; set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t7 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t7 Hregs]";[apply Hw7|].
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t7 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t7]") as "Hregs"; [apply lookup_delete|].
rewrite insert_delete_insert.
focus_block 1 "Hprog" as a_middle Ha_middle "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply appendb_spec; try iFrame "∗ #"; auto. rewrite dom_insert_L Hdom. set_solver.
iFrame. iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hr_env & Hr_t0 & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hregs & HisList & Hprog & Hown)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
rewrite (updatePcPerm_cap_non_E pc_p pc_b pc_e (a_first ^+ 58)%a ltac:(destruct Hvpc; congruence)).
focus_block 2 "Hprog" as a_middle' Ha_middle' "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t7 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t7 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t2 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t2 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t3 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t3 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iDestruct "HisList" as (a a' a'' pbvals') "(%HA & #Hpref' & Hr_t1 & Ha)".
destruct HA as (HA & HB).
iGo "Hprog". instantiate (1:=a'). solve_addr. solve_addr.
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iApply "Hφ"; iFrame "∗ #".
iSplit; eauto.
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t3 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t3]") as "Hregs"; [apply lookup_delete|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t2 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t2]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq;auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t7 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t7]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq;auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
repeat rewrite -(insert_commute _ _ r_t7)//.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma sealLL_alloc ι ll Ep Φ {Hpers : ∀ w, Persistent (Φ w)} :
ll ↦ₐ WInt 0%Z -∗
|={Ep}=> ∃ γ, sealLL ι ll γ Φ.
iIntros "Hll".
iMod (own_alloc (● principal prefR [])) as (γ) "Hown".
{ eapply auth_auth_valid. repeat red. apply I. }
iMod (na_inv_alloc logrel_nais _ ι (∃ hd : Word, ll ↦ₐ hd ∗ (∃ awvals : list (Addr * Word), isList hd awvals ∗ Exact γ awvals ∗ [∗ list] aw ∈ awvals, Φ aw.2)) with "[Hll Hown]")%I as "Hinv".
{ iNext. iExists (WInt 0%Z). iFrame.
iSplit;done. }
iExists γ. auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma make_seal_spec pc_p pc_b pc_e (* PC *)
wret (* return cap *)
a_first (* special adresses *)
rmap (* register map *)
f_m b_m e_m (* malloc addrs *)
b_r e_r a_r a_r' (* environment table addrs *)
ι ι1 Ep φ (* invariant/gname names *)
Φ {Hpers: ∀ w, Persistent (Φ w)} (* The spec for make seal works for any seal predicate Φ
that the client must choose upon creation *) :
(* PC assumptions *)
ExecPCPerm pc_p →
(* Program adresses assumptions *)
SubBounds pc_b pc_e a_first (a_first ^+ (length (unseal_instrs) + length (seal_instrs f_m) + length (make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m)))%a →
dom rmap = all_registers_s ∖ {[ PC; r_t0]} →
(* environment table *)
withinBounds b_r e_r a_r' = true →
(a_r + f_m)%a = Some a_r' →
up_close (B:=coPset) ι1 ⊆ Ep →
PC ↦ᵣ WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e (a_first ^+ (length (unseal_instrs) + length (seal_instrs f_m)))%a
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ ([∗ map] r↦w ∈ rmap, r ↦ᵣ w)
(* own token *)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
(* trusted code *)
∗ codefrag a_first (unseal_instrs ++ seal_instrs f_m ++ make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m)
(* malloc *)
∗ na_inv logrel_nais ι1 (malloc_inv b_m e_m)
∗ pc_b ↦ₐ WCap RO b_r e_r a_r
∗ a_r' ↦ₐ WCap E b_m e_m b_m
∗ ▷ (PC ↦ᵣ updatePcPerm wret
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ pc_b ↦ₐ WCap RO b_r e_r a_r
∗ a_r' ↦ₐ WCap E b_m e_m b_m
∗ (∃ b1 e1 b2 e2 ll ll', let wvar := WCap RWX ll ll' ll in
let wcode1 := WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e a_first in
let wcode2 := WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e (a_first ^+ length (unseal_instrs))%a in
r_t1 ↦ᵣ WCap E b1 e1 b1 ∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ WCap E b2 e2 b2
∗ ⌜(b1 + 8)%a = Some e1⌝ ∗ ⌜(b2 + 8)%a = Some e2⌝
∗ [[b1,e1]]↦ₐ[[activation_instrs wcode1 wvar]]
∗ [[b2,e2]]↦ₐ[[activation_instrs wcode2 wvar]]
(* linked list invariants *)
∗ ⌜(ll + 1)%a = Some ll'⌝
∗ ∃ γ, sealLL ι ll γ Φ)
∗ ([∗ map] r↦w ∈ (<[r_t3:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t4:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t5:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t6:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t7:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t8:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t9:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t10:=WInt 0%Z]> (delete r_t1 (delete r_t2 rmap)))))))))), r ↦ᵣ w)
∗ codefrag a_first (unseal_instrs ++ seal_instrs f_m ++ make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ φ }})
WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ λ v, φ v ∨ ⌜v = FailedV⌝ }}.
iIntros (Hvpc Hcont Hdom Hbounds Hf_m Hnclose') "(HPC & Hr_t0 & Hregs & Hown & Hprog & #Hmalloc & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hφ)".
focus_block 2 "Hprog" as a_middle Ha_middle "Hprog" "Hcont".
assert (is_Some (rmap !! r_t8)) as [w8 Hw8];[rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdom; set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t8 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t8 Hregs]";[apply Hw8|].
iGo "Hprog".
{ rewrite /seal_instrs_length. instantiate (1 := (a_first ^+ length (unseal_instrs))%a).
solve_addr. }
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t8 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t8]") as "Hregs"; [apply lookup_delete|].
rewrite insert_delete_insert.
rewrite /make_seal_preamble_instrs.
focus_block 3 "Hprog" as a_middle1 Ha_middle1 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply malloc_spec_alt; iFrameAutoSolve. 4: iFrame "# ∗".
set_solver. auto. lia.
iSplitL "". iNext. auto.
iSplitL "". iNext. iRight. auto.
iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hprog & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hll & Hr_t0 & Hown & Hregs)".
iDestruct "Hll" as (ll ll') "(%Heqb & Hr_t1 & Hll)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 4 "Hprog" as a_middle2 Ha_middle2 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t8 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t8 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t2 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t2 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
assert (is_Some (rmap !! r_t9)) as [w9 Hw9];[rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdom; set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t9 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t9 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t9 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t9]") as "Hregs"; [apply lookup_delete|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t8 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t8]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
(* TODO debug why map_simpl "Hregs" loops here ?? *)
rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite (delete_commute _ _ r_t8)//.
rewrite -(delete_insert_ne _ r_t8); auto. rewrite insert_delete_insert.
focus_block 5 "Hprog" as a_middle3 Ha_middle3 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply crtcls_spec_alt; iFrameAutoSolve. 3: iFrame "# ∗".
set_solver+ Hdom. auto.
iSplitL ""; eauto. iSplitL ""; eauto.
iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hprog & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hseal)".
iDestruct "Hseal" as (b1 e1) "(Hb1eq & Hr_t1 & Hseal & Hr_t0 & Hr_t2 & Hown & Hregs)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 6 "Hprog" as a_middle4 Ha_middle4 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t8 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t8 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t9 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t9 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
assert (is_Some (rmap !! r_t10)) as [w10 Hw10];[rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdom; set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t10 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t10 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iGo "Hprog". instantiate (1 := a_first). rewrite /unseal_instrs_length. solve_addr.
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 7 "Hprog" as a_middle5 Ha_middle5 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t9 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t9]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t8 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t8]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t10 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t10]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iApply crtcls_spec; iFrameAutoSolve. 3: iFrame "# ∗".
set_solver+ Hdom. auto.
iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hprog & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hunseal)".
iDestruct "Hunseal" as (b2 e2) "(Hb2eq & Hr_t1 & Hunseal & Hr_t0 & Hr_t2 & Hown & Hregs)".
map_simpl "Hregs".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 8 "Hprog" as a_middle6 Ha_middle6 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t8 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t8 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t9 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t9 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t10 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t10 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iMod (sealLL_alloc with "[Hll]") as (γ) "Hsealinv".
{ rewrite /region_pointsto. rewrite finz_seq_between_singleton; auto.
rewrite /region_addrs_zeroes. rewrite (proj2 (proj1 (finz_incr_iff_dist ll ll' 1) ltac:(auto))).
simpl replicate. iDestruct "Hll" as "(Hll & _)". iFrame. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t9 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t9]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t8 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t8]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t10 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t10]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iApply "Hφ"; iFrame "∗ #".
iSplitR "Hregs".
{ iFrame "%". }
{ rewrite delete_commute //.
rewrite !(insert_commute _ r_t3) // !(insert_commute _ r_t4) // !(insert_commute _ r_t5) // !(insert_commute _ r_t6) // !(insert_commute _ r_t7) // !(insert_commute _ r_t8) // !(insert_commute _ r_t9) // !(insert_commute _ r_t10) //. }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
End sealing.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
Require Import Eqdep_dec List.
From cap_machine Require Import addr_reg_sample macros_new.
From cap_machine Require Import rules logrel.
From cap_machine Require Import monotone keylist.
From cap_machine.proofmode Require Import tactics_helpers solve_pure proofmode contiguous map_simpl.
Section sealing.
Context {Σ:gFunctors} {memg:memG Σ} {regg:regG Σ}
{nainv: logrel_na_invs Σ}
`{MP: MachineParameters}
{seals:sealStoreG Σ}
{mono : sealLLG Σ}.
(* Assume r_t1 contains a capability representing a sealed value.
First we must check that its permission is RWX (or the environment could derive
an O capability from the entrypoint to malloc), and that its range is 1
(to make sure it has the authority of a seal)
Get its b field, find the corresponding value in the linked list contained in r_env.
Result is returned in r_t1; clear r_env for security and return. *)
(* Arguments: r_t1
Return point: r_t0
Uses: r_env r_t4 (r_t2 rt_3 are used by findb) *)
Definition unseal_instrs :=
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t3 r_t1 ] ++
reqperm_instrs r_t3 (encodePerm RWX) ++
reqsize_exact_instrs r_t3 1 ++
encodeInstrsW [ GetB r_t1 r_t3
; Mov r_t4 (inr r_t0) (* Save return point *)
; Mov r_t0 (inr PC) (* Setup the return point for findb *)
; Lea r_t0 (inl (length findb_instr + 3)%Z)
] ++ (encodeInstrW (Load r_env r_env) :: findb_instr) ++
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_env (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Mov r_t0 (inr r_t4) (* Restore return capability *)
; Mov r_t4 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Jmp r_t0
Definition unseal_instrs_length := Eval cbn in length (unseal_instrs).
(* Assume r_t1 contains the word to seal.
Append it to the linked list contained in r_env.
Subseg the new capability to bottom range
clear r_env and return *)
(* Arguments: r_t1
Return point: r_t0
Uses: r_env r_t2 r_t7 (r_t3 r_t4 r_t5 r_t6 used by appendb) *)
Definition seal_instrs f_m :=
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t7 (inr r_t0) (* Save return point *)
; Mov r_t0 (inr PC) (* Setup the return point for findb *)
; Lea r_t0 (inl (length (appendb_instr f_m) + 2)%Z)
] ++ appendb_instr f_m ++
encodeInstrsW [ GetB r_t2 r_t1
; Add r_t3 r_t2 1
; Subseg r_t1 r_t2 r_t3
; Mov r_env (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Mov r_t2 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Mov r_t3 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Mov r_t0 (inr r_t7) (* Restore return capability *)
; Mov r_t7 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing *)
; Jmp r_t0
Definition seal_instrs_length := Eval cbn in length (seal_instrs 0%Z).
(* Create two closures for sealing and unsealing assuming that their code is preceding this one.
Specifically, we assume the memory layout is unseal_instrsseal_instrsmake_seal_preamble *)
(* This works by:
1. Malloc an empty linked list, thus obtaining some capability c.
2. Create a closure with access to c, and containing the code unseal_instr.
3. Create a closure with access to c, and containing the code seal_instr.
4. Return closure for unsealing in r_t1 and sealing in r_t2. *)
(* Arguments: None
Return point: rt_0
Uses: r_t1 r_t2 r_t8 r_t9 r_t10 *)
Definition make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m :=
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t8 PC (* Copy PC into r_t8 *)
; Lea r_t8 (- (Z.of_nat seal_instrs_length))%Z (* Capability pointing to code for seal_instrs *)
++ malloc_instrs f_m 1 ++ (* Malloc an empty list *)
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t9 r_t1 (* Keep a copy of the capability to the list *)
; Mov r_t2 r_t1 (* Prepare for creating closure, r_t2 must contain environment *)
; Mov r_t1 r_t8 (* Prepare for creating closure, r_t1 must contain code *)
++ crtcls_instrs f_m ++ (* Create the closure for seal, result in r_t1 *)
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t10 r_t1 (* Closure for seal now in r_t10 *)
; Lea r_t8 (inl (- (Z.of_nat unseal_instrs_length))%Z) (* Capability pointing to code for seal_instrs *)
; Mov r_t1 r_t8 (* Prepare for creating closure for unseal, code *)
; Mov r_t2 r_t9 (* Prepare for creating closure for unseal, environment *)
++ crtcls_instrs f_m ++ (* Create the closure for unseal, result in r_t1 *)
encodeInstrsW [ Mov r_t2 r_t10 (* Closure for seal now in r_t2 *)
; Mov r_t8 (inl 0%Z) (* Clearing registers *)
; Mov r_t9 (inl 0%Z)
; Mov r_t10 (inl 0%Z)
; Jmp r_t0 (* Return *)
Definition make_seal_preamble f_m ai :=
([∗ list] a_i;w_i ∈ ai;(make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m), a_i ↦ₐ w_i)%I.
Lemma unseal_spec pc_p pc_b pc_e (* PC *)
wret (* return cap *)
wsealed (* p b e a *) (* input cap *)
ll ll' (* linked list head and pointers *)
a_first (* special adresses *)
ι γ φ Ep (* invariant/gname names *)
Φ {Hpers : ∀ w, Persistent (Φ w)} (* this predicate is chosen by the client at creation *) :
(* PC assumptions *)
ExecPCPerm pc_p →
(* Program adresses assumptions *)
SubBounds pc_b pc_e a_first (a_first ^+ length unseal_instrs)%a →
(* linked list ptr element d *)
(ll + 1)%a = Some ll' →
up_close (B:=coPset) ι ⊆ Ep →
PC ↦ᵣ WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e a_first
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ r_env ↦ᵣ WCap RWX ll ll' ll
∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ (* WCap (p, b, e, a) *) wsealed
∗ (∃ w, r_t2 ↦ᵣ w)
∗ (∃ w, r_t3 ↦ᵣ w)
∗ (∃ w, r_t4 ↦ᵣ w)
(* invariant for d *)
∗ sealLL ι ll γ Φ
(* token which states all non atomic invariants are closed *)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
(* trusted code *)
∗ codefrag a_first unseal_instrs
∗ ▷ φ FailedV
∗ ▷ (PC ↦ᵣ updatePcPerm wret
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z
∗ (∃ b b' a w pbvals, ⌜wsealed = WCap RWX b b' a ∧ (b + 1)%a = Some b' ∧ (b',w) ∈ pbvals⌝ ∗ prefLL γ pbvals ∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ w ∗ r_env ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z ∗ Φ w)
∗ r_t3 ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z
∗ r_t4 ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z
∗ codefrag a_first unseal_instrs
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ φ }})
WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ φ }}.
iIntros (Hvpc Hcont Hd Hnclose) "(HPC & Hr_t0 & Hr_env & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hr_t4 & #Hseal_inv & Hown & Hprog & Hφfailed & Hφ)".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hprog") as %Hprog_length.
iDestruct "Hr_t2" as (w2) "Hr_t2".
iDestruct "Hr_t3" as (w3) "Hr_t3".
iDestruct "Hr_t4" as (w4) "Hr_t4".
focus_block_0 "Hprog" as "Hprog" "Hcont".
iInstr "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 1 "Hprog" as mid Hmid "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply reqperm_spec;iFrameAutoSolve.
iNext. destruct (isPermWord wsealed RWX) eqn:Hperm;[|iFrame].
destruct wsealed as [z|[p b e a|]|];try by inversion Hperm.
apply bool_decide_eq_true_1 in Hperm as <-.
iExists _,_,_. iSplit;eauto. iIntros "(HPC & Hprog & Hr_t3 & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 2 "Hprog" as mid0 Hmid0 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply reqsize_spec;iFrameAutoSolve.
iNext. destruct (1 =? e - b)%Z eqn:Hsize;cycle 1.
{ iFrame. }
iIntros "HH". iDestruct "HH" as (w1 w0) "(Hprog & HPC & Hr_t3 & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
codefrag_facts "Hprog". simpl in H, H0.
focus_block 3 "Hprog" as mid1 Hmid1 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iGo "Hprog". simpl in *. instantiate (1 := (mid1 ^+ 18)%a). solve_addr.
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 4 "Hprog" as a_middle Ha_middle "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply findb_spec; iFrameAutoSolve; eauto.
iFrame "# ∗".
iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hr_t0 & Hr_t2 & HisList & Hr_t3 & Hprog & Hown)".
iDestruct "HisList" as (b_a b' b'' w pbvals) "(%HX & Hpref & Hr_t1 & Hr_env & #HΦ)".
destruct HX as (HA & HA1 & HB & HC).
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
eapply finz_of_z_eq_inv in HA. subst b_a; auto.
assert (e = b')%Z as <-.
{ solve_addr. }
rewrite (updatePcPerm_cap_non_E pc_p pc_b pc_e (mid1 ^+ 18)%a ltac:(destruct Hvpc; congruence)).
focus_block 5 "Hprog" as a_middle' Ha_middle' "Hprog" "Hcont".
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iApply "Hφ"; iFrame "# ∗".
iExists _,_,_. iPureIntro; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma seal_spec Φ (* client chosen seal predicate *)
pc_p pc_b pc_e (* PC *)
wret (* return cap *)
w (* input z *)
ll ll' pbvals (* linked list head and pointers *)
a_first (* special adresses *)
rmap (* register map *)
f_m b_m e_m (* malloc addrs *)
b_r e_r a_r a_r' (* environment table addrs *)
ι ι1 γ Ep φ (* invariant/gname names *)
{Hpers : ∀ w, Persistent (Φ w)} (* the client chosen predicate is persistent *) :
(* PC assumptions *)
ExecPCPerm pc_p →
(* Program adresses assumptions *)
SubBounds pc_b pc_e a_first (a_first ^+ length (seal_instrs f_m))%a →
(* linked list ptr element head *)
(ll + 1)%a = Some ll' →
dom rmap = all_registers_s ∖ {[ PC; r_env; r_t0; r_t1 ]} →
(* environment table *)
withinBounds b_r e_r a_r' = true →
(a_r + f_m)%a = Some a_r' →
up_close (B:=coPset) ι ⊆ Ep →
up_close (B:=coPset) ι1 ⊆ Ep ∖ ↑ι →
PC ↦ᵣ WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e a_first
∗ r_env ↦ᵣ WCap RWX ll ll' ll
∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ w
∗ Φ w
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ ([∗ map] r↦w ∈ rmap, r ↦ᵣ w)
(* own token *)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
(* trusted code *)
∗ codefrag a_first (seal_instrs f_m)
(* malloc *)
∗ na_inv logrel_nais ι1 (malloc_inv b_m e_m)
∗ pc_b ↦ₐ WCap RO b_r e_r a_r
∗ a_r' ↦ₐ WCap E b_m e_m b_m
(* linked list invariants *)
∗ sealLL ι ll γ Φ
∗ prefLL γ pbvals
∗ ▷ (PC ↦ᵣ updatePcPerm wret
∗ r_env ↦ᵣ WInt 0%Z
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ pc_b ↦ₐ WCap RO b_r e_r a_r
∗ a_r' ↦ₐ WCap E b_m e_m b_m
∗ ([∗ map] r↦w ∈ <[r_t2:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t3:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t4:=WInt 0%Z]>
(<[r_t5:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t6:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t7:=WInt 0%Z]> rmap))))), r ↦ᵣ w)
∗ (∃ a a' pbvals', ⌜(a + 1)%a = Some a'⌝ ∗ prefLL γ (pbvals ++ pbvals' ++ [(a',w)]) ∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WCap RWX a a' a' ∗ a ↦ₐ WInt 0)
∗ codefrag a_first (seal_instrs f_m)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ φ }})
WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ λ v, φ v ∨ ⌜v = FailedV⌝ }}.
iIntros (Hvpc Hcont Hhd Hdom Hbounds Hf_m Hnclose Hnclose') "(HPC & Hr_env & Hr_t1 & HΦw & Hr_t0 & Hregs & Hown & Hprog & #Hmalloc & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & #Hseal_inv & #Hpref & Hφ)".
codefrag_facts "Hprog".
focus_block_0 "Hprog" as "Hprog" "Hcont".
assert (is_Some (rmap !! r_t7)) as [w7 Hw7];[rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdom; set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t7 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t7 Hregs]";[apply Hw7|].
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t7 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t7]") as "Hregs"; [apply lookup_delete|].
rewrite insert_delete_insert.
focus_block 1 "Hprog" as a_middle Ha_middle "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply appendb_spec; try iFrame "∗ #"; auto. rewrite dom_insert_L Hdom. set_solver.
iFrame. iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hr_env & Hr_t0 & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hregs & HisList & Hprog & Hown)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
rewrite (updatePcPerm_cap_non_E pc_p pc_b pc_e (a_first ^+ 58)%a ltac:(destruct Hvpc; congruence)).
focus_block 2 "Hprog" as a_middle' Ha_middle' "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t7 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t7 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t2 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t2 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t3 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t3 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iDestruct "HisList" as (a a' a'' pbvals') "(%HA & #Hpref' & Hr_t1 & Ha)".
destruct HA as (HA & HB).
iGo "Hprog". instantiate (1:=a'). solve_addr. solve_addr.
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iApply "Hφ"; iFrame "∗ #".
iSplit; eauto.
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t3 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t3]") as "Hregs"; [apply lookup_delete|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t2 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t2]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq;auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t7 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t7]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq;auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
repeat rewrite -(insert_commute _ _ r_t7)//.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma sealLL_alloc ι ll Ep Φ {Hpers : ∀ w, Persistent (Φ w)} :
ll ↦ₐ WInt 0%Z -∗
|={Ep}=> ∃ γ, sealLL ι ll γ Φ.
iIntros "Hll".
iMod (own_alloc (● principal prefR [])) as (γ) "Hown".
{ eapply auth_auth_valid. repeat red. apply I. }
iMod (na_inv_alloc logrel_nais _ ι (∃ hd : Word, ll ↦ₐ hd ∗ (∃ awvals : list (Addr * Word), isList hd awvals ∗ Exact γ awvals ∗ [∗ list] aw ∈ awvals, Φ aw.2)) with "[Hll Hown]")%I as "Hinv".
{ iNext. iExists (WInt 0%Z). iFrame.
iSplit;done. }
iExists γ. auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma make_seal_spec pc_p pc_b pc_e (* PC *)
wret (* return cap *)
a_first (* special adresses *)
rmap (* register map *)
f_m b_m e_m (* malloc addrs *)
b_r e_r a_r a_r' (* environment table addrs *)
ι ι1 Ep φ (* invariant/gname names *)
Φ {Hpers: ∀ w, Persistent (Φ w)} (* The spec for make seal works for any seal predicate Φ
that the client must choose upon creation *) :
(* PC assumptions *)
ExecPCPerm pc_p →
(* Program adresses assumptions *)
SubBounds pc_b pc_e a_first (a_first ^+ (length (unseal_instrs) + length (seal_instrs f_m) + length (make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m)))%a →
dom rmap = all_registers_s ∖ {[ PC; r_t0]} →
(* environment table *)
withinBounds b_r e_r a_r' = true →
(a_r + f_m)%a = Some a_r' →
up_close (B:=coPset) ι1 ⊆ Ep →
PC ↦ᵣ WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e (a_first ^+ (length (unseal_instrs) + length (seal_instrs f_m)))%a
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ ([∗ map] r↦w ∈ rmap, r ↦ᵣ w)
(* own token *)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
(* trusted code *)
∗ codefrag a_first (unseal_instrs ++ seal_instrs f_m ++ make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m)
(* malloc *)
∗ na_inv logrel_nais ι1 (malloc_inv b_m e_m)
∗ pc_b ↦ₐ WCap RO b_r e_r a_r
∗ a_r' ↦ₐ WCap E b_m e_m b_m
∗ ▷ (PC ↦ᵣ updatePcPerm wret
∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ wret
∗ pc_b ↦ₐ WCap RO b_r e_r a_r
∗ a_r' ↦ₐ WCap E b_m e_m b_m
∗ (∃ b1 e1 b2 e2 ll ll', let wvar := WCap RWX ll ll' ll in
let wcode1 := WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e a_first in
let wcode2 := WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e (a_first ^+ length (unseal_instrs))%a in
r_t1 ↦ᵣ WCap E b1 e1 b1 ∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ WCap E b2 e2 b2
∗ ⌜(b1 + 8)%a = Some e1⌝ ∗ ⌜(b2 + 8)%a = Some e2⌝
∗ [[b1,e1]]↦ₐ[[activation_instrs wcode1 wvar]]
∗ [[b2,e2]]↦ₐ[[activation_instrs wcode2 wvar]]
(* linked list invariants *)
∗ ⌜(ll + 1)%a = Some ll'⌝
∗ ∃ γ, sealLL ι ll γ Φ)
∗ ([∗ map] r↦w ∈ (<[r_t3:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t4:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t5:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t6:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t7:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t8:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t9:=WInt 0%Z]> (<[r_t10:=WInt 0%Z]> (delete r_t1 (delete r_t2 rmap)))))))))), r ↦ᵣ w)
∗ codefrag a_first (unseal_instrs ++ seal_instrs f_m ++ make_seal_preamble_instrs f_m)
∗ na_own logrel_nais Ep
-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ φ }})
WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ λ v, φ v ∨ ⌜v = FailedV⌝ }}.
iIntros (Hvpc Hcont Hdom Hbounds Hf_m Hnclose') "(HPC & Hr_t0 & Hregs & Hown & Hprog & #Hmalloc & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hφ)".
focus_block 2 "Hprog" as a_middle Ha_middle "Hprog" "Hcont".
assert (is_Some (rmap !! r_t8)) as [w8 Hw8];[rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdom; set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t8 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t8 Hregs]";[apply Hw8|].
iGo "Hprog".
{ rewrite /seal_instrs_length. instantiate (1 := (a_first ^+ length (unseal_instrs))%a).
solve_addr. }
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t8 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t8]") as "Hregs"; [apply lookup_delete|].
rewrite insert_delete_insert.
rewrite /make_seal_preamble_instrs.
focus_block 3 "Hprog" as a_middle1 Ha_middle1 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply malloc_spec_alt; iFrameAutoSolve. 4: iFrame "# ∗".
set_solver. auto. lia.
iSplitL "". iNext. auto.
iSplitL "". iNext. iRight. auto.
iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hprog & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hll & Hr_t0 & Hown & Hregs)".
iDestruct "Hll" as (ll ll') "(%Heqb & Hr_t1 & Hll)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 4 "Hprog" as a_middle2 Ha_middle2 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t8 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t8 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t2 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t2 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
assert (is_Some (rmap !! r_t9)) as [w9 Hw9];[rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdom; set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t9 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t9 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t9 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t9]") as "Hregs"; [apply lookup_delete|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t8 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t8]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
(* TODO debug why map_simpl "Hregs" loops here ?? *)
rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite (delete_commute _ _ r_t8)//.
rewrite -(delete_insert_ne _ r_t8); auto. rewrite insert_delete_insert.
focus_block 5 "Hprog" as a_middle3 Ha_middle3 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iApply crtcls_spec_alt; iFrameAutoSolve. 3: iFrame "# ∗".
set_solver+ Hdom. auto.
iSplitL ""; eauto. iSplitL ""; eauto.
iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hprog & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hseal)".
iDestruct "Hseal" as (b1 e1) "(Hb1eq & Hr_t1 & Hseal & Hr_t0 & Hr_t2 & Hown & Hregs)".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 6 "Hprog" as a_middle4 Ha_middle4 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t8 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t8 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t9 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t9 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
assert (is_Some (rmap !! r_t10)) as [w10 Hw10];[rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdom; set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t10 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t10 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iGo "Hprog". instantiate (1 := a_first). rewrite /unseal_instrs_length. solve_addr.
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 7 "Hprog" as a_middle5 Ha_middle5 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t9 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t9]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t8 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t8]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t10 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t10]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iApply crtcls_spec; iFrameAutoSolve. 3: iFrame "# ∗".
set_solver+ Hdom. auto.
iNext. iIntros "(HPC & Hprog & Hpc_b & Ha_r' & Hunseal)".
iDestruct "Hunseal" as (b2 e2) "(Hb2eq & Hr_t1 & Hunseal & Hr_t0 & Hr_t2 & Hown & Hregs)".
map_simpl "Hregs".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
focus_block 8 "Hprog" as a_middle6 Ha_middle6 "Hprog" "Hcont".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t8 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t8 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t9 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t9 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ r_t10 with "Hregs") as "[Hr_t10 Hregs]";[simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iGo "Hprog".
unfocus_block "Hprog" "Hcont" as "Hprog".
iMod (sealLL_alloc with "[Hll]") as (γ) "Hsealinv".
{ rewrite /region_pointsto. rewrite finz_seq_between_singleton; auto.
rewrite /region_addrs_zeroes. rewrite (proj2 (proj1 (finz_incr_iff_dist ll ll' 1) ltac:(auto))).
simpl replicate. iDestruct "Hll" as "(Hll & _)". iFrame. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t9 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t9]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t8 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t8]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert _ _ r_t10 with "[$Hregs $Hr_t10]") as "Hregs"; [simplify_map_eq; auto|].
map_simpl "Hregs".
iApply "Hφ"; iFrame "∗ #".
iSplitR "Hregs".
{ iFrame "%". }
{ rewrite delete_commute //.
rewrite !(insert_commute _ r_t3) // !(insert_commute _ r_t4) // !(insert_commute _ r_t5) // !(insert_commute _ r_t6) // !(insert_commute _ r_t7) // !(insert_commute _ r_t8) // !(insert_commute _ r_t9) // !(insert_commute _ r_t10) //. }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
End sealing.