From Coq Require Import ssreflect Eqdep_dec.
From stdpp Require Import gmap fin_maps list countable.
From cap_machine Require Export addr_reg solve_addr.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
(* Definition and auxiliary facts on capabilities, permissions and addresses.
The solve_cap_pure tactic automates the proof of some of these facts (see
solve_cap_pure.v on how to extend it). *)
(* Definitions: capabilities, machine String.words, machine instructions *)
Inductive Perm: Type :=
| O
| RO
| RW
| RX
| E
| RWX.
Definition SealPerms: Type := bool * bool. (* Permit_Seal x Permit_Unseal *)
Definition permit_seal (s : SealPerms) :=
Definition permit_unseal (s : SealPerms) :=
Inductive Sealable: Type :=
| SCap: Perm -> Addr -> Addr -> Addr -> Sealable
| SSealRange: SealPerms -> OType -> OType -> OType -> Sealable.
(* Having different syntactic categories here simplifies the definition of instructions later, but requires some duplication in defining bounds changes and lea on sealing ranges *)
Inductive Word: Type :=
| WInt (z : Z)
| WSealable (sb : Sealable)
| WSealed: OType → Sealable → Word.
Notation WCap p b e a := (WSealable (SCap p b e a)).
Notation WSealRange p b e a := (WSealable (SSealRange p b e a)).
Inductive instr: Type :=
| Jmp (r: RegName)
| Jnz (r1 r2: RegName)
| Mov (dst: RegName) (src: Z + RegName)
| Load (dst src: RegName)
| Store (dst: RegName) (src: Z + RegName)
| Lt (dst: RegName) (r1 r2: Z + RegName)
| Add (dst: RegName) (r1 r2: Z + RegName)
| Sub (dst: RegName) (r1 r2: Z + RegName)
| Lea (dst: RegName) (r: Z + RegName)
| Restrict (dst: RegName) (r: Z + RegName)
| Subseg (dst: RegName) (r1 r2: Z + RegName)
| GetB (dst r: RegName)
| GetE (dst r: RegName)
| GetA (dst r: RegName)
| GetP (dst r: RegName)
| GetWType (dst r : RegName) (* combine IsCap, GetTage and GetSealed all together into a unique encoding *)
| GetOType (dst r: RegName)
| Seal (dst : RegName) (r1 r2: RegName)
| UnSeal (dst : RegName) (r1 r2: RegName)
| Fail
| Halt.
(* Convenient coercion when writing instructions *)
Definition regn : RegName → (Z+RegName)%type := inr.
Definition cst : Z → (Z+RegName)%type := inl.
Coercion regn : RegName >-> sum.
Coercion cst : Z >-> sum.
(* Registers and memory: maps from register names/addresses to String.words *)
Definition Reg := gmap RegName Word.
Definition Mem := gmap Addr Word.
(* EqDecision instances *)
Global Instance perm_eq_dec : EqDecision Perm.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Global Instance sealb_eq_dec : EqDecision Sealable.
Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
Global Instance word_eq_dec : EqDecision Word.
Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
Global Instance instr_eq_dec : EqDecision instr.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Ltac destruct_word w :=
let z := fresh "z" in
let c := fresh "c" in
let sr := fresh "sr" in
let sd := fresh "sd" in
destruct w as [ z | [c | sr] | sd].
(***** Identifying parts of String.words *****)
(* Z <-> Word *)
Definition is_z (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WInt z => true
| _ => false
(* Sealable <-> Word *)
Definition is_sealb (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WSealable sb => true
| _ => false
(* Capability <-> Word *)
Definition is_cap (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WCap p b e a => true
| _ => false
(* SealRange <-> Word *)
Definition is_sealr (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WSealRange p b e a => true
| _ => false
(* Sealed <-> Word *)
Definition is_sealed (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WSealed a sb => true
| _ => false
Definition is_sealed_with_o (w : Word) (o : OType) : bool :=
match w with
| WSealed o' sb => (o =? o')%ot
| _ => false end.
(* non-E capability or range of seals *)
Definition is_mutable_range (w : Word) : bool:=
match w with
| WCap p _ _ _ => match p with | E => false | _ => true end
| WSealRange _ _ _ _ => true
| _ => false end.
(* Auxiliary definitions to work on permissions *)
Definition executeAllowed (p: Perm): bool :=
match p with
| RWX | RX | E => true
| _ => false
(* Uninitialized capabilities are neither read nor write allowed *)
Definition readAllowed (p: Perm): bool :=
match p with
| RWX | RX | RW | RO => true
| _ => false
Definition writeAllowed (p: Perm): bool :=
match p with
| RWX | RW => true
| _ => false
Lemma writeA_implies_readA p :
writeAllowed p = true → readAllowed p = true.
Proof. destruct p; auto. Qed.
Definition isPerm p p' := @bool_decide _ (perm_eq_dec p p').
Lemma isPerm_refl p : isPerm p p = true.
Proof. destruct p; auto. Qed.
Lemma isPerm_ne p p' : p ≠ p' → isPerm p p' = false.
Proof. intros Hne. destruct p,p'; auto; congruence. Qed.
Definition isPermWord (w : Word) (p : Perm): bool :=
match w with
| WCap p' _ _ _ => isPerm p p'
| _ => false
Lemma isPermWord_cap_isPerm (w0:Word) p:
isPermWord w0 p = true →
∃ p' b e a, w0 = WCap p' b e a ∧ isPerm p p' = true.
intros Hp. rewrite /isPermWord in Hp.
destruct_word w0; try congruence.
eexists _, _, _, _; split; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition ExecPCPerm p :=
p = RX ∨ p = RWX.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_RX: ExecPCPerm RX.
Proof. left; auto. Qed.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_RWX: ExecPCPerm RWX.
Proof. right; auto. Qed.
(* perm-flows-to: the permission lattice.
"x flows to y" if x is lower than y in the lattice.
Definition PermFlowsTo (p1 p2: Perm): bool :=
match p1 with
| O => true
| E => match p2 with
| E | RX | RWX => true
| _ => false
| RX => match p2 with
| RX | RWX => true
| _ => false
| RWX => match p2 with
| RWX => true
| _ => false
| RO => match p2 with
| RO | RX | RW | RWX => true
| _ => false
| RW => match p2 with
| RW | RWX => true
| _ => false
Definition PermFlowsToCap (p: Perm) (w: Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WCap p' _ _ _ => PermFlowsTo p p'
| _ => false
(* Sanity check *)
Lemma PermFlowsToTransitive:
transitive _ PermFlowsTo.
red; intros; destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; try congruence; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Sanity check 2 *)
Lemma PermFlowsToReflexive:
forall p, PermFlowsTo p p = true.
intros; destruct p; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* perm-flows-to as a predicate *)
Definition PermFlows : Perm → Perm → Prop :=
λ p1 p2, PermFlowsTo p1 p2 = true.
Lemma PermFlows_refl : ∀ p, PermFlows p p.
rewrite /PermFlows /PermFlowsTo.
destruct p; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma PermFlows_trans P1 P2 P3 :
PermFlows P1 P2 → PermFlows P2 P3 → PermFlows P1 P3.
intros Hp1 Hp2. rewrite /PermFlows /PermFlowsTo.
destruct P1,P3,P2; simpl; auto; contradiction.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma PermFlowsToPermFlows p p':
PermFlowsTo p p' <-> PermFlows p p'.
rewrite /PermFlows; split; intros; auto.
destruct (Is_true_reflect (PermFlowsTo p p')); auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma readAllowed_nonO p p' :
PermFlows p p' → readAllowed p = true → p' ≠ O.
intros Hfl' Hra. destruct p'; auto. destruct p; inversion Hfl'. inversion Hra.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma writeAllowed_nonO p p' :
PermFlows p p' → writeAllowed p = true → p' ≠ O.
intros Hfl' Hra. apply writeA_implies_readA in Hra. by apply (readAllowed_nonO p p').
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma PCPerm_nonO p p' :
PermFlows p p' → p = RX ∨ p = RWX → p' ≠ O.
intros Hfl Hvpc. destruct p'; auto. destruct p; inversion Hfl.
destruct Hvpc as [Hcontr | Hcontr]; inversion Hcontr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_flows_to p p':
PermFlows p p' →
ExecPCPerm p →
ExecPCPerm p'.
intros H [-> | ->]; cbn in H.
{ destruct p'; cbn in H; try by inversion H; constructor. }
{ destruct p'; try by inversion H; constructor. }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_not_E p :
ExecPCPerm p →
p ≠ E.
intros [H|H] ->; inversion H.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_readAllowed p :
ExecPCPerm p →
readAllowed p = true.
intros [-> | ->]; reflexivity.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition SealPermFlowsTo (s1 s2 : SealPerms): bool :=
(if permit_seal(s1) then permit_seal(s2) else true) &&
(if permit_unseal(s1) then permit_unseal(s2) else true).
(* Sanity check *)
Lemma SealPermFlowsToTransitive:
transitive _ SealPermFlowsTo.
red; intros. unfold SealPermFlowsTo in *. repeat destruct (permit_seal _); repeat destruct (permit_unseal _); auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Sanity check 2 *)
Lemma SealPermFlowsToReflexive:
forall p, SealPermFlowsTo p p = true.
intros; unfold SealPermFlowsTo. destruct (permit_seal _), (permit_unseal _); auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Sanity check 3 *)
Lemma SealPermFlows_refl : ∀ p, SealPermFlowsTo p p = true.
intros; rewrite /SealPermFlowsTo. destruct (permit_seal _), (permit_unseal _); auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Helper definitions for capabilities *)
(* Turn E into RX into PC after a jump *)
Definition updatePcPerm (w: Word): Word :=
match w with
| WCap E b e a => WCap RX b e a
| _ => w
Lemma updatePcPerm_cap_non_E p b e a :
p ≠ E →
updatePcPerm (WCap p b e a) = WCap p b e a.
intros HnE. cbn. destruct p; auto. contradiction.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition nonZero (w: Word): bool :=
match w with
| WInt n => Zneq_bool n 0
| _ => true
Definition cap_size (w : Word) : Z :=
match w with
| WCap _ b e _ => (e - b)%Z
| _ => 0%Z
(* Bound checking for both otypes and addresses *)
Definition withinBounds {z} (b e a : finz z): bool :=
(b <=? a)%f && (a <? e)%f.
Lemma withinBounds_true_iff {z} (b e a : finz z) :
withinBounds b e a = true ↔ (b <= a)%f ∧ (a < e)%f.
unfold withinBounds. solve_addr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma withinBounds_le_addr {z} (b e a : finz z):
withinBounds b e a = true →
(b <= a)%f ∧ (a < e)%f.
Proof. rewrite withinBounds_true_iff //. Qed.
Lemma isWithinBounds_bounds_alt {z} b e (a0 a1 a2 : finz z) :
withinBounds b e a0 = true →
withinBounds b e a2 = true →
(a0 ≤ a1)%Z ∧ (a1 ≤ a2)%Z →
withinBounds b e a1 = true.
Proof. rewrite !withinBounds_true_iff. solve_addr. Qed.
Lemma isWithinBounds_bounds_alt' {z} b e (a0 a1 a2 : finz z) :
withinBounds b e a0 = true →
withinBounds b e a2 = true →
(a0 ≤ a1)%Z ∧ (a1 < a2)%Z →
withinBounds b e a1 = true.
Proof. rewrite !withinBounds_true_iff. solve_addr. Qed.
Lemma le_addr_withinBounds {z} (b e a : finz z):
(b <= a)%f → (a < e)%f →
withinBounds b e a = true .
Proof. rewrite withinBounds_true_iff //. Qed.
Lemma le_addr_withinBounds' {z} (b e a : finz z):
(b <= a)%f ∧ (a < e)%f →
withinBounds b e a = true .
Proof. intros [? ?]. rewrite withinBounds_true_iff //. Qed.
Lemma withinBounds_InBounds {z} (b e a : finz z) :
InBounds b e a →
withinBounds b e a = true.
intros [? ?]. unfold withinBounds.
apply andb_true_intro.
split; [apply Z.leb_le;solve_addr | apply Z.ltb_lt;auto].
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition isWithin {z} (n1 n2 b e: finz z) : bool :=
((b <=? n1) && (n2 <=? e))%f.
Definition isWithinCap (c: Word) (b e: finz MemNum) : bool :=
match c with
| WCap _ n1 n2 _ => isWithin n1 n2 b e
| _ => false
Lemma isWithin_implies {z} (a0 a1 b e : finz z):
isWithin a0 a1 b e = true →
(b <= a0 ∧ a1 <= e)%f.
rewrite /isWithin. solve_addr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isWithin_of_le {z} (a0 a1 b e : finz z):
(b <= a0 ∧ a1 <= e)%f →
isWithin a0 a1 b e = true.
rewrite /isWithin. solve_addr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Some lemma's to link the implementations of finz.seq_between and withinBounds *)
Lemma finz_0_dist (finz_bound : Z) (f1 f2 : finz finz_bound):
finz.dist f1 f2 = 0 → (f2 <= f1)%f.
Proof. rewrite /finz.dist. solve_finz. Qed.
Lemma finz_empty_seq_between:
∀ (finz_bound : Z) (f1 f2 : finz finz_bound),
finz.seq_between f1 f2 = [] → (f2 <= f1)%f.
Proof. intros *. rewrite /finz.seq_between /finz.seq.
destruct (finz.dist f1 f2) eqn:Heq.
by apply finz_0_dist in Heq.
intro HFalse; inversion HFalse.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma finz_cons_hd (z : Z) (e0 a0 a : finz z) (l : list (finz z)) :
a :: l = finz.seq_between a0 e0 → a = a0.
intros Heql.
rewrite /finz.seq_between /finz.seq in Heql. destruct (finz.dist a0 e0); inversion Heql; auto. Qed.
Lemma finz_cons_tl (z : Z) (e0 a0 a : finz z) (l : list (finz z)) :
a :: l = finz.seq_between a0 e0 → ∃ a1, (a0 + 1 = Some a1)%f ∧ l = finz.seq_between a1 e0.
intros Heql.
assert (a0 < e0)%f as Hlt. {
rewrite /finz.seq_between /finz.seq in Heql.
destruct (decide (a0 < e0)%f) as [Hlt | Hnlt]; first auto.
assert (finz.dist a0 e0 = 0) as HFalse.
{ apply finz_dist_0; solve_finz. }
rewrite HFalse /= in Heql. by exfalso. }
rewrite finz_seq_between_cons in Heql; auto.
injection Heql as _ Hl.
assert (a0 + 1 = Some (a0 ^+ 1))%f as Heq. { solve_finz. }
eexists ; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma seq_between_dist_Some {z : Z} (b0 e0 a0 : finz z):
withinBounds b0 e0 a0 = true
→ finz.seq_between b0 e0 !! finz.dist b0 a0 = Some a0.
remember (finz.seq_between b0 e0) as l. revert Heql. generalize b0.
induction l.
- intros b1 Heql Hwb.
symmetry in Heql; apply finz_empty_seq_between in Heql.
rewrite /withinBounds in Hwb.
exfalso. solve_finz.
- intros b1 Heql Hwb.
destruct (decide (b1 = a0)%f) as [-> | ].
+ apply finz_cons_hd in Heql as ->.
rewrite /finz.dist. by rewrite -Zminus_diag_reverse /=.
+ assert (b1 < a0)%f as Hlt.
{rewrite /withinBounds in Hwb. solve_finz. }
apply finz_cons_tl in Heql as (a1' & Hp1 & Hleq).
assert (withinBounds a1' e0 a0 = true) as Hwb'. { unfold withinBounds in *; solve_finz. }
specialize (IHl _ Hleq Hwb') as IHl.
rewrite lookup_cons_ne_0.
2 : { rewrite /finz.dist. solve_finz. }
rewrite -IHl; apply (f_equal (λ a, l !! a)).
rewrite /finz.dist. solve_finz.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* isCorrectPC: valid capabilities for PC *)
Inductive isCorrectPC: Word → Prop :=
| isCorrectPC_intro:
forall p (b e a : Addr),
(b <= a < e)%a →
p = RX \/ p = RWX →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a).
Lemma isCorrectPC_dec:
forall w, { isCorrectPC w } + { not (isCorrectPC w) }.
destruct w.
- right. red; intros H. inversion H.
- destruct sb as [p b e a | ].
-- case_eq (match p with RX | RWX => true | _ => false end); intros.
+ destruct (finz_le_dec b a).
* destruct (finz_lt_dec a e).
{ left. econstructor; simpl; eauto. by auto.
destruct p; naive_solver. }
{ right. red; intro HH. inversion HH; subst. solve_addr. }
* right. red; intros HH; inversion HH; subst. solve_addr.
+ right. red; intros HH; inversion HH; subst. naive_solver.
-- right. red; intros H. inversion H.
- right. red; intros H. inversion H.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition isCorrectPCb (w: Word): bool :=
match w with
| WCap p b e a =>
(b <=? a)%a && (a <? e)%a &&
(isPerm p RX || isPerm p RWX)
| _ => false
Lemma isCorrectPCb_isCorrectPC w :
isCorrectPCb w = true ↔ isCorrectPC w.
rewrite /isCorrectPCb. destruct_word w.
1,3,4 : split; try congruence; inversion 1.
{ rewrite !andb_true_iff !orb_true_iff !Z.leb_le !Z.ltb_lt.
rewrite /isPerm !bool_decide_eq_true.
{ intros [? ?]. constructor. solve_addr. naive_solver. }
{ inversion 1; subst. split. solve_addr. naive_solver. } }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPCb_nisCorrectPC w :
isCorrectPCb w = false ↔ ¬ isCorrectPC w.
destruct (isCorrectPCb w) eqn:HH.
{ apply isCorrectPCb_isCorrectPC in HH. split; congruence. }
{ split; auto. intros _. intros ?%isCorrectPCb_isCorrectPC. congruence. }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_ra_wb pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a :
isCorrectPC (WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a) →
readAllowed pc_p && ((pc_b <=? pc_a)%a && (pc_a <? pc_e)%a).
intros. inversion H; subst.
- destruct H2. apply andb_prop_intro. split.
+ destruct H5,pc_p; inversion H1; try inversion H2; auto; try congruence.
+ apply andb_prop_intro.
split; apply Is_true_eq_left; [apply Z.leb_le | apply Z.ltb_lt]; lia.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma not_isCorrectPC_perm p b e a :
p ≠ RX ∧ p ≠ RWX → ¬ isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a).
intros (Hrx & Hrwx).
intros Hvpc. inversion Hvpc;
destruct H4 as [Hrx' | Hrwx']; contradiction.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma not_isCorrectPC_bounds p b e a :
¬ (b <= a < e)%a → ¬ isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a).
intros Hbounds.
intros Hvpc. inversion Hvpc.
by exfalso.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_bounds p b e (a0 a1 a2 : Addr) :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a0) →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a2) →
(a0 ≤ a1 < a2)%Z → isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a1).
intros Hvpc0 Hvpc2 [Hle Hlt].
inversion Hvpc0.
- subst; econstructor; auto.
inversion Hvpc2; subst.
+ destruct H1 as [Hb He]. destruct H2 as [Hb2 He2]. split.
{ apply Z.le_trans with a0; auto. }
{ apply Z.lt_trans with a2; auto. }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_bounds_alt p b e (a0 a1 a2 : Addr) :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a0)
→ isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a2)
→ (a0 ≤ a1)%Z ∧ (a1 ≤ a2)%Z
→ isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a1).
intros Hvpc0 Hvpc2 [Hle0 Hle2].
apply Z.lt_eq_cases in Hle2 as [Hlt2 | Heq2].
- apply isCorrectPC_bounds with a0 a2; auto.
- apply finz_to_z_eq in Heq2. rewrite Heq2. auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_withinBounds p b e a :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
withinBounds b e a = true.
intros HH. inversion HH; subst.
rewrite /withinBounds !andb_true_iff Z.leb_le Z.ltb_lt. auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_le_addr p b e a :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
(b <= a)%a ∧ (a < e)%a.
intros HH. by eapply withinBounds_le_addr, isCorrectPC_withinBounds.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma correctPC_nonO p p' b e a :
PermFlows p p' → isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) → p' ≠ O.
intros Hfl HcPC. inversion HcPC. by apply (PCPerm_nonO p p').
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma in_range_is_correctPC p b e a b' e' :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
(b' <= b)%a ∧ (e <= e')%a →
(b' <= a)%a ∧ (a < e')%a.
intros Hvpc [Hb He].
inversion Hvpc; simplify_eq. solve_addr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_ExecPCPerm_InBounds p b e a :
ExecPCPerm p →
InBounds b e a →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a).
unfold ExecPCPerm, InBounds. intros. constructor; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Helper tactics *)
Ltac destruct_pair_l c n :=
match eval compute in n with
| 0 => idtac
| _ => let sndn := fresh c in
destruct c as (c,sndn); destruct_pair_l c (pred n)
(* Useful instances *)
Global Instance perm_countable : Countable Perm.
set encode := fun p => match p with
| O => 1
| RO => 2
| RW => 3
| RX => 4
| E => 5
| RWX => 6
set decode := fun n => match n with
| 1 => Some O
| 2 => Some RO
| 3 => Some RW
| 4 => Some RX
| 5 => Some E
| 6 => Some RWX
| _ => None
eapply (Build_Countable _ _ encode decode).
intro p. destruct p; reflexivity.
Global Instance sealable_countable : Countable Sealable.
set (enc := fun sb =>
match sb with
| SCap p b e a => inl (p,b,e,a)
| SSealRange p b e a => inr (p,b,e,a) end
set (dec := fun e =>
match e with
| inl (p,b,e,a) => SCap p b e a
| inr (p,b,e,a) => SSealRange p b e a end
refine (inj_countable' enc dec _).
intros i. destruct i; simpl; done.
(* Same here *)
Global Instance word_countable : Countable Word.
set (enc := fun w =>
match w with
| WInt z => inl z
| WSealable sb => inr (inl sb)
| WSealed x x0 => inr (inr (x, x0))
end ).
set (dec := fun e =>
match e with
| inl z => WInt z
| inr (inl sb) => WSealable sb
| inr (inr (x, x0)) => WSealed x x0
end ).
refine (inj_countable' enc dec _).
intros i. destruct i; simpl; done.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Global Instance word_inhabited: Inhabited Word := populate (WInt 0).
Global Instance addr_inhabited: Inhabited Addr := populate (@finz.FinZ MemNum 0%Z eq_refl eq_refl).
Global Instance otype_inhabited: Inhabited OType := populate (@finz.FinZ ONum 0%Z eq_refl eq_refl).
Global Instance instr_countable : Countable instr.
set (enc := fun e =>
match e with
| Jmp r => GenNode 0 [GenLeaf (inl r)]
| Jnz r1 r2 => GenNode 1 [GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)]
| Mov dst src => GenNode 2 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr src)]
| Load dst src => GenNode 3 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl src)]
| Store dst src => GenNode 4 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr src)]
| Lt dst r1 r2 => GenNode 5 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)]
| Add dst r1 r2 => GenNode 6 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)]
| Sub dst r1 r2 => GenNode 7 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)]
| Lea dst r => GenNode 8 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r)]
| Restrict dst r => GenNode 9 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r)]
| Subseg dst r1 r2 => GenNode 10 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)]
| GetB dst r => GenNode 11 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetE dst r => GenNode 12 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetA dst r => GenNode 13 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetP dst r => GenNode 14 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetOType dst r => GenNode 15 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetWType dst r => GenNode 16 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| Seal dst r1 r2 => GenNode 17 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)]
| UnSeal dst r1 r2 => GenNode 18 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)]
| Fail => GenNode 19 []
| Halt => GenNode 20 []
set (dec := fun e =>
match e with
| GenNode 0 [GenLeaf (inl r)] => Jmp r
| GenNode 1 [GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)] => Jnz r1 r2
| GenNode 2 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr src)] => Mov dst src
| GenNode 3 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl src)] => Load dst src
| GenNode 4 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr src)] => Store dst src
| GenNode 5 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)] => Lt dst r1 r2
| GenNode 6 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)] => Add dst r1 r2
| GenNode 7 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)] => Sub dst r1 r2
| GenNode 8 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r)] => Lea dst r
| GenNode 9 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r)] => Restrict dst r
| GenNode 10 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)] => Subseg dst r1 r2
| GenNode 11 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetB dst r
| GenNode 12 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetE dst r
| GenNode 13 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetA dst r
| GenNode 14 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetP dst r
| GenNode 15 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetOType dst r
| GenNode 16 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetWType dst r
| GenNode 17 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)] => Seal dst r1 r2
| GenNode 18 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)] => UnSeal dst r1 r2
| GenNode 19 [] => Fail
| GenNode 20 [] => Halt
| _ => Fail (* dummy *)
refine (inj_countable' enc dec _).
intros i. destruct i; simpl; done.
Global Instance reg_finite : finite.Finite RegName.
Proof. apply (finite.enc_finite (λ r : RegName, match r with
| PC => S RegNum
| addr_reg.R n fin => n
(λ n : nat, match n_to_regname n with | Some r => r | None => PC end)
(S (S RegNum))).
- intros x. destruct x;auto.
unfold n_to_regname.
destruct (Nat.le_dec n RegNum).
+ do 2 f_equal. apply eq_proofs_unicity. decide equality.
+ exfalso. by apply (Nat.leb_le n RegNum) in fin.
- intros x.
+ destruct x;[lia|]. apply Nat.leb_le in fin. lia.
- intros i Hlt. unfold n_to_regname.
destruct (Nat.le_dec i RegNum);auto.
From stdpp Require Import gmap fin_maps list countable.
From cap_machine Require Export addr_reg solve_addr.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
(* Definition and auxiliary facts on capabilities, permissions and addresses.
The solve_cap_pure tactic automates the proof of some of these facts (see
solve_cap_pure.v on how to extend it). *)
(* Definitions: capabilities, machine String.words, machine instructions *)
Inductive Perm: Type :=
| O
| RO
| RW
| RX
| E
| RWX.
Definition SealPerms: Type := bool * bool. (* Permit_Seal x Permit_Unseal *)
Definition permit_seal (s : SealPerms) :=
Definition permit_unseal (s : SealPerms) :=
Inductive Sealable: Type :=
| SCap: Perm -> Addr -> Addr -> Addr -> Sealable
| SSealRange: SealPerms -> OType -> OType -> OType -> Sealable.
(* Having different syntactic categories here simplifies the definition of instructions later, but requires some duplication in defining bounds changes and lea on sealing ranges *)
Inductive Word: Type :=
| WInt (z : Z)
| WSealable (sb : Sealable)
| WSealed: OType → Sealable → Word.
Notation WCap p b e a := (WSealable (SCap p b e a)).
Notation WSealRange p b e a := (WSealable (SSealRange p b e a)).
Inductive instr: Type :=
| Jmp (r: RegName)
| Jnz (r1 r2: RegName)
| Mov (dst: RegName) (src: Z + RegName)
| Load (dst src: RegName)
| Store (dst: RegName) (src: Z + RegName)
| Lt (dst: RegName) (r1 r2: Z + RegName)
| Add (dst: RegName) (r1 r2: Z + RegName)
| Sub (dst: RegName) (r1 r2: Z + RegName)
| Lea (dst: RegName) (r: Z + RegName)
| Restrict (dst: RegName) (r: Z + RegName)
| Subseg (dst: RegName) (r1 r2: Z + RegName)
| GetB (dst r: RegName)
| GetE (dst r: RegName)
| GetA (dst r: RegName)
| GetP (dst r: RegName)
| GetWType (dst r : RegName) (* combine IsCap, GetTage and GetSealed all together into a unique encoding *)
| GetOType (dst r: RegName)
| Seal (dst : RegName) (r1 r2: RegName)
| UnSeal (dst : RegName) (r1 r2: RegName)
| Fail
| Halt.
(* Convenient coercion when writing instructions *)
Definition regn : RegName → (Z+RegName)%type := inr.
Definition cst : Z → (Z+RegName)%type := inl.
Coercion regn : RegName >-> sum.
Coercion cst : Z >-> sum.
(* Registers and memory: maps from register names/addresses to String.words *)
Definition Reg := gmap RegName Word.
Definition Mem := gmap Addr Word.
(* EqDecision instances *)
Global Instance perm_eq_dec : EqDecision Perm.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Global Instance sealb_eq_dec : EqDecision Sealable.
Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
Global Instance word_eq_dec : EqDecision Word.
Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
Global Instance instr_eq_dec : EqDecision instr.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Ltac destruct_word w :=
let z := fresh "z" in
let c := fresh "c" in
let sr := fresh "sr" in
let sd := fresh "sd" in
destruct w as [ z | [c | sr] | sd].
(***** Identifying parts of String.words *****)
(* Z <-> Word *)
Definition is_z (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WInt z => true
| _ => false
(* Sealable <-> Word *)
Definition is_sealb (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WSealable sb => true
| _ => false
(* Capability <-> Word *)
Definition is_cap (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WCap p b e a => true
| _ => false
(* SealRange <-> Word *)
Definition is_sealr (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WSealRange p b e a => true
| _ => false
(* Sealed <-> Word *)
Definition is_sealed (w : Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WSealed a sb => true
| _ => false
Definition is_sealed_with_o (w : Word) (o : OType) : bool :=
match w with
| WSealed o' sb => (o =? o')%ot
| _ => false end.
(* non-E capability or range of seals *)
Definition is_mutable_range (w : Word) : bool:=
match w with
| WCap p _ _ _ => match p with | E => false | _ => true end
| WSealRange _ _ _ _ => true
| _ => false end.
(* Auxiliary definitions to work on permissions *)
Definition executeAllowed (p: Perm): bool :=
match p with
| RWX | RX | E => true
| _ => false
(* Uninitialized capabilities are neither read nor write allowed *)
Definition readAllowed (p: Perm): bool :=
match p with
| RWX | RX | RW | RO => true
| _ => false
Definition writeAllowed (p: Perm): bool :=
match p with
| RWX | RW => true
| _ => false
Lemma writeA_implies_readA p :
writeAllowed p = true → readAllowed p = true.
Proof. destruct p; auto. Qed.
Definition isPerm p p' := @bool_decide _ (perm_eq_dec p p').
Lemma isPerm_refl p : isPerm p p = true.
Proof. destruct p; auto. Qed.
Lemma isPerm_ne p p' : p ≠ p' → isPerm p p' = false.
Proof. intros Hne. destruct p,p'; auto; congruence. Qed.
Definition isPermWord (w : Word) (p : Perm): bool :=
match w with
| WCap p' _ _ _ => isPerm p p'
| _ => false
Lemma isPermWord_cap_isPerm (w0:Word) p:
isPermWord w0 p = true →
∃ p' b e a, w0 = WCap p' b e a ∧ isPerm p p' = true.
intros Hp. rewrite /isPermWord in Hp.
destruct_word w0; try congruence.
eexists _, _, _, _; split; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition ExecPCPerm p :=
p = RX ∨ p = RWX.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_RX: ExecPCPerm RX.
Proof. left; auto. Qed.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_RWX: ExecPCPerm RWX.
Proof. right; auto. Qed.
(* perm-flows-to: the permission lattice.
"x flows to y" if x is lower than y in the lattice.
Definition PermFlowsTo (p1 p2: Perm): bool :=
match p1 with
| O => true
| E => match p2 with
| E | RX | RWX => true
| _ => false
| RX => match p2 with
| RX | RWX => true
| _ => false
| RWX => match p2 with
| RWX => true
| _ => false
| RO => match p2 with
| RO | RX | RW | RWX => true
| _ => false
| RW => match p2 with
| RW | RWX => true
| _ => false
Definition PermFlowsToCap (p: Perm) (w: Word) : bool :=
match w with
| WCap p' _ _ _ => PermFlowsTo p p'
| _ => false
(* Sanity check *)
Lemma PermFlowsToTransitive:
transitive _ PermFlowsTo.
red; intros; destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; try congruence; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Sanity check 2 *)
Lemma PermFlowsToReflexive:
forall p, PermFlowsTo p p = true.
intros; destruct p; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* perm-flows-to as a predicate *)
Definition PermFlows : Perm → Perm → Prop :=
λ p1 p2, PermFlowsTo p1 p2 = true.
Lemma PermFlows_refl : ∀ p, PermFlows p p.
rewrite /PermFlows /PermFlowsTo.
destruct p; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma PermFlows_trans P1 P2 P3 :
PermFlows P1 P2 → PermFlows P2 P3 → PermFlows P1 P3.
intros Hp1 Hp2. rewrite /PermFlows /PermFlowsTo.
destruct P1,P3,P2; simpl; auto; contradiction.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma PermFlowsToPermFlows p p':
PermFlowsTo p p' <-> PermFlows p p'.
rewrite /PermFlows; split; intros; auto.
destruct (Is_true_reflect (PermFlowsTo p p')); auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma readAllowed_nonO p p' :
PermFlows p p' → readAllowed p = true → p' ≠ O.
intros Hfl' Hra. destruct p'; auto. destruct p; inversion Hfl'. inversion Hra.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma writeAllowed_nonO p p' :
PermFlows p p' → writeAllowed p = true → p' ≠ O.
intros Hfl' Hra. apply writeA_implies_readA in Hra. by apply (readAllowed_nonO p p').
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma PCPerm_nonO p p' :
PermFlows p p' → p = RX ∨ p = RWX → p' ≠ O.
intros Hfl Hvpc. destruct p'; auto. destruct p; inversion Hfl.
destruct Hvpc as [Hcontr | Hcontr]; inversion Hcontr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_flows_to p p':
PermFlows p p' →
ExecPCPerm p →
ExecPCPerm p'.
intros H [-> | ->]; cbn in H.
{ destruct p'; cbn in H; try by inversion H; constructor. }
{ destruct p'; try by inversion H; constructor. }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_not_E p :
ExecPCPerm p →
p ≠ E.
intros [H|H] ->; inversion H.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma ExecPCPerm_readAllowed p :
ExecPCPerm p →
readAllowed p = true.
intros [-> | ->]; reflexivity.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition SealPermFlowsTo (s1 s2 : SealPerms): bool :=
(if permit_seal(s1) then permit_seal(s2) else true) &&
(if permit_unseal(s1) then permit_unseal(s2) else true).
(* Sanity check *)
Lemma SealPermFlowsToTransitive:
transitive _ SealPermFlowsTo.
red; intros. unfold SealPermFlowsTo in *. repeat destruct (permit_seal _); repeat destruct (permit_unseal _); auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Sanity check 2 *)
Lemma SealPermFlowsToReflexive:
forall p, SealPermFlowsTo p p = true.
intros; unfold SealPermFlowsTo. destruct (permit_seal _), (permit_unseal _); auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Sanity check 3 *)
Lemma SealPermFlows_refl : ∀ p, SealPermFlowsTo p p = true.
intros; rewrite /SealPermFlowsTo. destruct (permit_seal _), (permit_unseal _); auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Helper definitions for capabilities *)
(* Turn E into RX into PC after a jump *)
Definition updatePcPerm (w: Word): Word :=
match w with
| WCap E b e a => WCap RX b e a
| _ => w
Lemma updatePcPerm_cap_non_E p b e a :
p ≠ E →
updatePcPerm (WCap p b e a) = WCap p b e a.
intros HnE. cbn. destruct p; auto. contradiction.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition nonZero (w: Word): bool :=
match w with
| WInt n => Zneq_bool n 0
| _ => true
Definition cap_size (w : Word) : Z :=
match w with
| WCap _ b e _ => (e - b)%Z
| _ => 0%Z
(* Bound checking for both otypes and addresses *)
Definition withinBounds {z} (b e a : finz z): bool :=
(b <=? a)%f && (a <? e)%f.
Lemma withinBounds_true_iff {z} (b e a : finz z) :
withinBounds b e a = true ↔ (b <= a)%f ∧ (a < e)%f.
unfold withinBounds. solve_addr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma withinBounds_le_addr {z} (b e a : finz z):
withinBounds b e a = true →
(b <= a)%f ∧ (a < e)%f.
Proof. rewrite withinBounds_true_iff //. Qed.
Lemma isWithinBounds_bounds_alt {z} b e (a0 a1 a2 : finz z) :
withinBounds b e a0 = true →
withinBounds b e a2 = true →
(a0 ≤ a1)%Z ∧ (a1 ≤ a2)%Z →
withinBounds b e a1 = true.
Proof. rewrite !withinBounds_true_iff. solve_addr. Qed.
Lemma isWithinBounds_bounds_alt' {z} b e (a0 a1 a2 : finz z) :
withinBounds b e a0 = true →
withinBounds b e a2 = true →
(a0 ≤ a1)%Z ∧ (a1 < a2)%Z →
withinBounds b e a1 = true.
Proof. rewrite !withinBounds_true_iff. solve_addr. Qed.
Lemma le_addr_withinBounds {z} (b e a : finz z):
(b <= a)%f → (a < e)%f →
withinBounds b e a = true .
Proof. rewrite withinBounds_true_iff //. Qed.
Lemma le_addr_withinBounds' {z} (b e a : finz z):
(b <= a)%f ∧ (a < e)%f →
withinBounds b e a = true .
Proof. intros [? ?]. rewrite withinBounds_true_iff //. Qed.
Lemma withinBounds_InBounds {z} (b e a : finz z) :
InBounds b e a →
withinBounds b e a = true.
intros [? ?]. unfold withinBounds.
apply andb_true_intro.
split; [apply Z.leb_le;solve_addr | apply Z.ltb_lt;auto].
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition isWithin {z} (n1 n2 b e: finz z) : bool :=
((b <=? n1) && (n2 <=? e))%f.
Definition isWithinCap (c: Word) (b e: finz MemNum) : bool :=
match c with
| WCap _ n1 n2 _ => isWithin n1 n2 b e
| _ => false
Lemma isWithin_implies {z} (a0 a1 b e : finz z):
isWithin a0 a1 b e = true →
(b <= a0 ∧ a1 <= e)%f.
rewrite /isWithin. solve_addr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isWithin_of_le {z} (a0 a1 b e : finz z):
(b <= a0 ∧ a1 <= e)%f →
isWithin a0 a1 b e = true.
rewrite /isWithin. solve_addr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Some lemma's to link the implementations of finz.seq_between and withinBounds *)
Lemma finz_0_dist (finz_bound : Z) (f1 f2 : finz finz_bound):
finz.dist f1 f2 = 0 → (f2 <= f1)%f.
Proof. rewrite /finz.dist. solve_finz. Qed.
Lemma finz_empty_seq_between:
∀ (finz_bound : Z) (f1 f2 : finz finz_bound),
finz.seq_between f1 f2 = [] → (f2 <= f1)%f.
Proof. intros *. rewrite /finz.seq_between /finz.seq.
destruct (finz.dist f1 f2) eqn:Heq.
by apply finz_0_dist in Heq.
intro HFalse; inversion HFalse.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma finz_cons_hd (z : Z) (e0 a0 a : finz z) (l : list (finz z)) :
a :: l = finz.seq_between a0 e0 → a = a0.
intros Heql.
rewrite /finz.seq_between /finz.seq in Heql. destruct (finz.dist a0 e0); inversion Heql; auto. Qed.
Lemma finz_cons_tl (z : Z) (e0 a0 a : finz z) (l : list (finz z)) :
a :: l = finz.seq_between a0 e0 → ∃ a1, (a0 + 1 = Some a1)%f ∧ l = finz.seq_between a1 e0.
intros Heql.
assert (a0 < e0)%f as Hlt. {
rewrite /finz.seq_between /finz.seq in Heql.
destruct (decide (a0 < e0)%f) as [Hlt | Hnlt]; first auto.
assert (finz.dist a0 e0 = 0) as HFalse.
{ apply finz_dist_0; solve_finz. }
rewrite HFalse /= in Heql. by exfalso. }
rewrite finz_seq_between_cons in Heql; auto.
injection Heql as _ Hl.
assert (a0 + 1 = Some (a0 ^+ 1))%f as Heq. { solve_finz. }
eexists ; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma seq_between_dist_Some {z : Z} (b0 e0 a0 : finz z):
withinBounds b0 e0 a0 = true
→ finz.seq_between b0 e0 !! finz.dist b0 a0 = Some a0.
remember (finz.seq_between b0 e0) as l. revert Heql. generalize b0.
induction l.
- intros b1 Heql Hwb.
symmetry in Heql; apply finz_empty_seq_between in Heql.
rewrite /withinBounds in Hwb.
exfalso. solve_finz.
- intros b1 Heql Hwb.
destruct (decide (b1 = a0)%f) as [-> | ].
+ apply finz_cons_hd in Heql as ->.
rewrite /finz.dist. by rewrite -Zminus_diag_reverse /=.
+ assert (b1 < a0)%f as Hlt.
{rewrite /withinBounds in Hwb. solve_finz. }
apply finz_cons_tl in Heql as (a1' & Hp1 & Hleq).
assert (withinBounds a1' e0 a0 = true) as Hwb'. { unfold withinBounds in *; solve_finz. }
specialize (IHl _ Hleq Hwb') as IHl.
rewrite lookup_cons_ne_0.
2 : { rewrite /finz.dist. solve_finz. }
rewrite -IHl; apply (f_equal (λ a, l !! a)).
rewrite /finz.dist. solve_finz.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* isCorrectPC: valid capabilities for PC *)
Inductive isCorrectPC: Word → Prop :=
| isCorrectPC_intro:
forall p (b e a : Addr),
(b <= a < e)%a →
p = RX \/ p = RWX →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a).
Lemma isCorrectPC_dec:
forall w, { isCorrectPC w } + { not (isCorrectPC w) }.
destruct w.
- right. red; intros H. inversion H.
- destruct sb as [p b e a | ].
-- case_eq (match p with RX | RWX => true | _ => false end); intros.
+ destruct (finz_le_dec b a).
* destruct (finz_lt_dec a e).
{ left. econstructor; simpl; eauto. by auto.
destruct p; naive_solver. }
{ right. red; intro HH. inversion HH; subst. solve_addr. }
* right. red; intros HH; inversion HH; subst. solve_addr.
+ right. red; intros HH; inversion HH; subst. naive_solver.
-- right. red; intros H. inversion H.
- right. red; intros H. inversion H.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition isCorrectPCb (w: Word): bool :=
match w with
| WCap p b e a =>
(b <=? a)%a && (a <? e)%a &&
(isPerm p RX || isPerm p RWX)
| _ => false
Lemma isCorrectPCb_isCorrectPC w :
isCorrectPCb w = true ↔ isCorrectPC w.
rewrite /isCorrectPCb. destruct_word w.
1,3,4 : split; try congruence; inversion 1.
{ rewrite !andb_true_iff !orb_true_iff !Z.leb_le !Z.ltb_lt.
rewrite /isPerm !bool_decide_eq_true.
{ intros [? ?]. constructor. solve_addr. naive_solver. }
{ inversion 1; subst. split. solve_addr. naive_solver. } }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPCb_nisCorrectPC w :
isCorrectPCb w = false ↔ ¬ isCorrectPC w.
destruct (isCorrectPCb w) eqn:HH.
{ apply isCorrectPCb_isCorrectPC in HH. split; congruence. }
{ split; auto. intros _. intros ?%isCorrectPCb_isCorrectPC. congruence. }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_ra_wb pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a :
isCorrectPC (WCap pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a) →
readAllowed pc_p && ((pc_b <=? pc_a)%a && (pc_a <? pc_e)%a).
intros. inversion H; subst.
- destruct H2. apply andb_prop_intro. split.
+ destruct H5,pc_p; inversion H1; try inversion H2; auto; try congruence.
+ apply andb_prop_intro.
split; apply Is_true_eq_left; [apply Z.leb_le | apply Z.ltb_lt]; lia.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma not_isCorrectPC_perm p b e a :
p ≠ RX ∧ p ≠ RWX → ¬ isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a).
intros (Hrx & Hrwx).
intros Hvpc. inversion Hvpc;
destruct H4 as [Hrx' | Hrwx']; contradiction.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma not_isCorrectPC_bounds p b e a :
¬ (b <= a < e)%a → ¬ isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a).
intros Hbounds.
intros Hvpc. inversion Hvpc.
by exfalso.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_bounds p b e (a0 a1 a2 : Addr) :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a0) →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a2) →
(a0 ≤ a1 < a2)%Z → isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a1).
intros Hvpc0 Hvpc2 [Hle Hlt].
inversion Hvpc0.
- subst; econstructor; auto.
inversion Hvpc2; subst.
+ destruct H1 as [Hb He]. destruct H2 as [Hb2 He2]. split.
{ apply Z.le_trans with a0; auto. }
{ apply Z.lt_trans with a2; auto. }
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_bounds_alt p b e (a0 a1 a2 : Addr) :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a0)
→ isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a2)
→ (a0 ≤ a1)%Z ∧ (a1 ≤ a2)%Z
→ isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a1).
intros Hvpc0 Hvpc2 [Hle0 Hle2].
apply Z.lt_eq_cases in Hle2 as [Hlt2 | Heq2].
- apply isCorrectPC_bounds with a0 a2; auto.
- apply finz_to_z_eq in Heq2. rewrite Heq2. auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_withinBounds p b e a :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
withinBounds b e a = true.
intros HH. inversion HH; subst.
rewrite /withinBounds !andb_true_iff Z.leb_le Z.ltb_lt. auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_le_addr p b e a :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
(b <= a)%a ∧ (a < e)%a.
intros HH. by eapply withinBounds_le_addr, isCorrectPC_withinBounds.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma correctPC_nonO p p' b e a :
PermFlows p p' → isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) → p' ≠ O.
intros Hfl HcPC. inversion HcPC. by apply (PCPerm_nonO p p').
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma in_range_is_correctPC p b e a b' e' :
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
(b' <= b)%a ∧ (e <= e')%a →
(b' <= a)%a ∧ (a < e')%a.
intros Hvpc [Hb He].
inversion Hvpc; simplify_eq. solve_addr.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma isCorrectPC_ExecPCPerm_InBounds p b e a :
ExecPCPerm p →
InBounds b e a →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a).
unfold ExecPCPerm, InBounds. intros. constructor; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(* Helper tactics *)
Ltac destruct_pair_l c n :=
match eval compute in n with
| 0 => idtac
| _ => let sndn := fresh c in
destruct c as (c,sndn); destruct_pair_l c (pred n)
(* Useful instances *)
Global Instance perm_countable : Countable Perm.
set encode := fun p => match p with
| O => 1
| RO => 2
| RW => 3
| RX => 4
| E => 5
| RWX => 6
set decode := fun n => match n with
| 1 => Some O
| 2 => Some RO
| 3 => Some RW
| 4 => Some RX
| 5 => Some E
| 6 => Some RWX
| _ => None
eapply (Build_Countable _ _ encode decode).
intro p. destruct p; reflexivity.
Global Instance sealable_countable : Countable Sealable.
set (enc := fun sb =>
match sb with
| SCap p b e a => inl (p,b,e,a)
| SSealRange p b e a => inr (p,b,e,a) end
set (dec := fun e =>
match e with
| inl (p,b,e,a) => SCap p b e a
| inr (p,b,e,a) => SSealRange p b e a end
refine (inj_countable' enc dec _).
intros i. destruct i; simpl; done.
(* Same here *)
Global Instance word_countable : Countable Word.
set (enc := fun w =>
match w with
| WInt z => inl z
| WSealable sb => inr (inl sb)
| WSealed x x0 => inr (inr (x, x0))
end ).
set (dec := fun e =>
match e with
| inl z => WInt z
| inr (inl sb) => WSealable sb
| inr (inr (x, x0)) => WSealed x x0
end ).
refine (inj_countable' enc dec _).
intros i. destruct i; simpl; done.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Global Instance word_inhabited: Inhabited Word := populate (WInt 0).
Global Instance addr_inhabited: Inhabited Addr := populate (@finz.FinZ MemNum 0%Z eq_refl eq_refl).
Global Instance otype_inhabited: Inhabited OType := populate (@finz.FinZ ONum 0%Z eq_refl eq_refl).
Global Instance instr_countable : Countable instr.
set (enc := fun e =>
match e with
| Jmp r => GenNode 0 [GenLeaf (inl r)]
| Jnz r1 r2 => GenNode 1 [GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)]
| Mov dst src => GenNode 2 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr src)]
| Load dst src => GenNode 3 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl src)]
| Store dst src => GenNode 4 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr src)]
| Lt dst r1 r2 => GenNode 5 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)]
| Add dst r1 r2 => GenNode 6 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)]
| Sub dst r1 r2 => GenNode 7 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)]
| Lea dst r => GenNode 8 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r)]
| Restrict dst r => GenNode 9 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r)]
| Subseg dst r1 r2 => GenNode 10 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)]
| GetB dst r => GenNode 11 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetE dst r => GenNode 12 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetA dst r => GenNode 13 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetP dst r => GenNode 14 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetOType dst r => GenNode 15 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| GetWType dst r => GenNode 16 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)]
| Seal dst r1 r2 => GenNode 17 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)]
| UnSeal dst r1 r2 => GenNode 18 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)]
| Fail => GenNode 19 []
| Halt => GenNode 20 []
set (dec := fun e =>
match e with
| GenNode 0 [GenLeaf (inl r)] => Jmp r
| GenNode 1 [GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)] => Jnz r1 r2
| GenNode 2 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr src)] => Mov dst src
| GenNode 3 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl src)] => Load dst src
| GenNode 4 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr src)] => Store dst src
| GenNode 5 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)] => Lt dst r1 r2
| GenNode 6 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)] => Add dst r1 r2
| GenNode 7 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)] => Sub dst r1 r2
| GenNode 8 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r)] => Lea dst r
| GenNode 9 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r)] => Restrict dst r
| GenNode 10 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inr r1); GenLeaf (inr r2)] => Subseg dst r1 r2
| GenNode 11 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetB dst r
| GenNode 12 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetE dst r
| GenNode 13 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetA dst r
| GenNode 14 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetP dst r
| GenNode 15 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetOType dst r
| GenNode 16 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r)] => GetWType dst r
| GenNode 17 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)] => Seal dst r1 r2
| GenNode 18 [GenLeaf (inl dst); GenLeaf (inl r1); GenLeaf (inl r2)] => UnSeal dst r1 r2
| GenNode 19 [] => Fail
| GenNode 20 [] => Halt
| _ => Fail (* dummy *)
refine (inj_countable' enc dec _).
intros i. destruct i; simpl; done.
Global Instance reg_finite : finite.Finite RegName.
Proof. apply (finite.enc_finite (λ r : RegName, match r with
| PC => S RegNum
| addr_reg.R n fin => n
(λ n : nat, match n_to_regname n with | Some r => r | None => PC end)
(S (S RegNum))).
- intros x. destruct x;auto.
unfold n_to_regname.
destruct (Nat.le_dec n RegNum).
+ do 2 f_equal. apply eq_proofs_unicity. decide equality.
+ exfalso. by apply (Nat.leb_le n RegNum) in fin.
- intros x.
+ destruct x;[lia|]. apply Nat.leb_le in fin. lia.
- intros i Hlt. unfold n_to_regname.
destruct (Nat.le_dec i RegNum);auto.