
From Coq Require Import Eqdep_dec. (* Needed to prove decidable equality on RegName *)
From Coq.micromega Require Import ZifyClasses.
From stdpp Require Import gmap fin_maps list.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
From cap_machine Require Import stdpp_extra.
From machine_utils Require Export finz.

(* No longer a coercion in Coq >= 8.14*)
Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.

(* We assume a fixed set of registers, and a finite set of memory addresses.

   The exact size of the address space does not matter, it could be made a
   parameter of the machine.

Definition RegNum: nat := 31.
Definition MemNum: Z := 2000000.
Global Opaque MemNum.

(* ---------------------------------- Registers ----------------------------------------*)

Inductive RegName: Type :=
| PC
| R (n: nat) (fin: n <=? RegNum = true).

Global Instance reg_eq_dec : EqDecision RegName.
Proof. intros r1 r2. destruct r1,r2; [by left | by right | by right |].
       destruct (Nat.eq_dec n n0).
       + subst n0. left.
         assert (forall (b: bool) (n m: nat) (P1 P2: n <=? m = b), P1 = P2).
         { intros. apply eq_proofs_unicity.
           intros; destruct x; destruct y; auto. }
         rewrite (H _ _ _ fin fin0). reflexivity.
       + right. congruence.

Lemma reg_eq_sym (r1 r2 : RegName) : r1 r2 r2 r1. Proof. auto. Qed.

Program Definition n_to_regname (n : nat) : option RegName :=
  match Nat.le_dec n RegNum with left _ => Some (R n _) | right _ => None end.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply Nat.leb_le; eauto.

Global Instance reg_countable : Countable RegName.
  refine {| encode r := encode match r with
                               | PC => inl ()
                               | R n fin => inr n
                               end ;
            decode n := match (decode n) with
                        | Some (inl ()) => Some PC
                        | Some (inr n) => n_to_regname n
                        | None => None
                        end ;
            decode_encode := _ |}.
  intro r. destruct r; auto.
  rewrite decode_encode.
  unfold n_to_regname.
  destruct (Nat.le_dec n RegNum).
  - do 2 f_equal. apply eq_proofs_unicity. decide equality.
  - exfalso. by apply (Nat.leb_le n RegNum) in fin.

(* Instances for zify: make lia work on registers *)
(* TODO: separate the proof parts into lemmas *)

Definition Z_of_regname (r: RegName): Z.
  destruct r. exact 0.
  exact (S n).

Instance RegName_InjTyp : InjTyp RegName Z.
  refine (mkinj _ _ Z_of_regname (fun n => n <= RegNum + 1)%Z _).
  intros [|]. cbn. lia. cbn. apply Nat.leb_le in fin. lia.
Add Zify InjTyp RegName_InjTyp.

Instance Op_RegName_eq : BinRel (@eq RegName).
  refine ({| TR := @eq Z; TRInj := _ |}).
  cbn. intros r1 r2. split.
  - intros ->; eauto.
  - destruct r1; destruct r2; eauto; cbn; try apply Nat.leb_le in fin; try lia.
    intros ->%Nat2Z.inj%eq_add_S.
    f_equal. apply eq_proofs_unicity. intros [|] [|]; eauto.
Add Zify BinRel Op_RegName_eq.

(* Names for registers *)
Definition r_t0 : RegName := R 0 eq_refl.
Definition r_t1 : RegName := R 1 eq_refl.
Definition r_t2 : RegName := R 2 eq_refl.
Definition r_t3 : RegName := R 3 eq_refl.
Definition r_t4 : RegName := R 4 eq_refl.
Definition r_t5 : RegName := R 5 eq_refl.
Definition r_t6 : RegName := R 6 eq_refl.
Definition r_t7 : RegName := R 7 eq_refl.
Definition r_t8 : RegName := R 8 eq_refl.
Definition r_t9 : RegName := R 9 eq_refl.
Definition r_t10 : RegName := R 10 eq_refl.
Definition r_t11 : RegName := R 11 eq_refl.
Definition r_t12 : RegName := R 12 eq_refl.
Definition r_t13 : RegName := R 13 eq_refl.
Definition r_t14 : RegName := R 14 eq_refl.
Definition r_t15 : RegName := R 15 eq_refl.
Definition r_t16 : RegName := R 16 eq_refl.
Definition r_t17 : RegName := R 17 eq_refl.
Definition r_t18 : RegName := R 18 eq_refl.
Definition r_t19 : RegName := R 19 eq_refl.
Definition r_t20 : RegName := R 20 eq_refl.
Definition r_t21 : RegName := R 21 eq_refl.
Definition r_t22 : RegName := R 22 eq_refl.
Definition r_t23 : RegName := R 23 eq_refl.
Definition r_t24 : RegName := R 24 eq_refl.
Definition r_t25 : RegName := R 25 eq_refl.
Definition r_t26 : RegName := R 26 eq_refl.
Definition r_t27 : RegName := R 27 eq_refl.
Definition r_t28 : RegName := R 28 eq_refl.
Definition r_t29 : RegName := R 29 eq_refl.
Definition r_t30 : RegName := R 30 eq_refl.
Definition r_t31 : RegName := R 31 eq_refl.

(* A list of all general purpuse registers (if regnum=31) *)
Definition all_registers : list RegName :=

(* Set of all registers *)
Definition all_registers_s : gset RegName := list_to_set all_registers.

Lemma all_registers_NoDup :
  NoDup all_registers.
  unfold all_registers.
  repeat (
    apply NoDup_cons_2;
    first (repeat (rewrite not_elem_of_cons; split; [done|]); apply not_elem_of_nil)
  by apply NoDup_nil.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.

(* Spec for all_registers *)

Lemma all_registers_correct r1 :
  r1 all_registers.
  rewrite /all_registers.
  destruct r1.
  - do 32 (apply elem_of_cons; right).
      by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
  - induction n.
    + apply elem_of_cons; left.
      apply f_equal. apply eq_proofs_unicity. decide equality.
    + apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 with (S n).
      repeat (destruct n;
                first (simpl;do 2 f_equal;apply eq_proofs_unicity;decide equality)).
      simpl in *. inversion fin.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.

Lemma all_registers_s_correct r:
  r all_registers_s.
  rewrite /all_registers_s elem_of_list_to_set.
  apply all_registers_correct.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.

Lemma all_registers_correct_sub r : NoDup r r ⊆+ all_registers.
  intros Hdup.
  apply NoDup_submseteq;auto. intros r' Hin.
  apply all_registers_correct.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.

Instance setunfold_all_regs:
  forall x, SetUnfoldElemOf x all_registers_s True.
  intros. constructor. split; auto.
  intro. eapply all_registers_s_correct.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.

Lemma all_registers_union_l s :
  s all_registers_s = all_registers_s.
  apply (anti_symm subseteq). 2: set_solver.
  rewrite elem_of_subseteq. intros ? _.
  apply all_registers_s_correct.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.

Lemma all_registers_union_r s :
  all_registers_s s = all_registers_s.
Proof. rewrite union_comm_L. apply all_registers_union_l. Qed.

Lemma all_registers_subseteq s :
  s all_registers_s.
  rewrite elem_of_subseteq. intros ? _. apply all_registers_s_correct.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.

Lemma regmap_full_dom {A} (r: gmap RegName A):
  ( x, is_Some (r !! x))
  dom r = all_registers_s.
  intros Hfull. apply (anti_symm subseteq); rewrite elem_of_subseteq.
  - intros rr _. apply all_registers_s_correct.
  - intros rr _. rewrite elem_of_dom. apply Hfull.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.

(* -------------------------------- Memory addresses -----------------------------------*)

Notation Addr := (finz MemNum).
Declare Scope Addr_scope.
Delimit Scope Addr_scope with a.

Notation "a1 <= a2 < a3" := (@finz.le_lt MemNum a1 a2 a3) : Addr_scope.
Notation "a1 <= a2" := (@finz.le MemNum a1 a2) : Addr_scope.
Notation "a1 <=? a2" := (@finz.leb MemNum a1 a2) : Addr_scope.
Notation "a1 < a2" := ( MemNum a1 a2) : Addr_scope.
Notation "a1 <? a2" := (@finz.ltb MemNum a1 a2) : Addr_scope.
Notation "a1 + z" := (@finz.incr MemNum a1 z) : Addr_scope.
Notation "a ^+ off" := (@finz.incr_default MemNum a off) (at level 50) : Addr_scope.

Notation z_to_addr := (@finz.of_z MemNum).
Notation z_of := (@finz.to_z MemNum).

Notation za := (@finz.FinZ MemNum 0%Z eq_refl eq_refl).
Notation top := (finz.largest za : Addr).
Notation "0" := (za) : Addr_scope.

Notation eqb_addr := (λ (a1 a2: Addr), Z.eqb a1 a2).
Notation "a1 =? a2" := (eqb_addr a1 a2) : Addr_scope.

Notation addr_incr_eq := (finz_incr_eq).

Global Open Scope general_if_scope.
(* ---------------------------------- OTypes ----------------------------------------*)

(* Number of otypes in our system *)
Definition ONum: nat := 1000.
Global Opaque ONum.
Notation OType := (finz ONum).
Declare Scope OType_scope.
Delimit Scope OType_scope with ot.

Notation "a1 <= a2 < a3" := (@finz.le_lt ONum a1 a2 a3) : OType_scope.
Notation "a1 <= a2" := (@finz.le ONum a1 a2) : OType_scope.
Notation "a1 <=? a2" := (@finz.leb ONum a1 a2) : OType_scope.
Notation "a1 < a2" := ( ONum a1 a2) : OType_scope.
Notation "a1 <? a2" := (@finz.ltb ONum a1 a2) : OType_scope.
Notation "a1 + z" := (@finz.incr ONum a1 z) : OType_scope.
Notation "a ^+ off" := (@finz.incr_default ONum a off) (at level 50) : OType_scope.

Notation z_to_otype := (@finz.of_z ONum).
Notation z_of_ot := (@finz.to_z ONum).

Notation za_ot := (@finz.FinZ ONum 0%Z eq_refl eq_refl).
Notation top_ot := (finz.largest za : OType).
Notation "0" := (za_ot) : OType_scope.

Notation eqb_otype := (λ (a1 a2: OType), Z.eqb a1 a2).
Notation "a1 =? a2" := (eqb_otype a1 a2) : OType_scope.

Notation otype_incr_eq := (finz_incr_eq).