From iris.prelude Require Import prelude.
From iris.program_logic Require Import language ectx_language ectxi_language.
From stdpp Require Import gmap fin_maps list.
From cap_machine Require Export addr_reg machine_base machine_parameters.
Set Warnings "-redundant-canonical-projection".
(* Ltac inv H := inversion H; clear H; subst. *)
Definition ExecConf := (Reg * Mem)%type.
Inductive ConfFlag : Type :=
| Executable
| Halted
| Failed
| NextI.
Definition Conf: Type := ConfFlag * ExecConf.
Definition reg (ϕ: ExecConf) := fst ϕ.
Definition mem (ϕ: ExecConf) := snd ϕ.
Definition update_reg (φ: ExecConf) (r: RegName) (w: Word): ExecConf := (<[r:=w]>(reg φ),mem φ).
Definition update_mem (φ: ExecConf) (a: Addr) (w: Word): ExecConf := (reg φ, <[a:=w]>(mem φ)).
(* Note that the `None` values here also undo any previous changes that were tentatively made in the same step. This is more consistent across the board. *)
Definition updatePC (φ: ExecConf): option Conf :=
match (reg φ) !! PC with
| Some (WCap p b e a) =>
match (a + 1)%a with
| Some a' => let φ' := (update_reg φ PC (WCap p b e a')) in
Some (NextI, φ')
| None => None
| _ => None
(*--- z_of_argument ---*)
Definition z_of_argument (regs: Reg) (a: Z + RegName) : option Z :=
match a with
| inl z => Some z
| inr r =>
match regs !! r with
| Some (WInt z) => Some z
| _ => None
Lemma z_of_argument_Some_inv (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (z:Z) :
z_of_argument regs arg = Some z →
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold z_of_argument. intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma z_of_argument_Some_inv' (regs regs': Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (z:Z) :
z_of_argument regs arg = Some z →
regs ⊆ regs' →
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z) ∧ regs' !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold z_of_argument. intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto.
intros HH. unshelve epose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ _ HH); eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma z_of_arg_mono (regs r: Reg) arg argz:
regs ⊆ r
-> z_of_argument regs arg = Some argz
-> z_of_argument r arg = Some argz.
unfold z_of_argument in *.
destruct arg; auto. destruct (_ !! _) eqn:Heq; [| congruence].
eapply lookup_weaken in Heq as ->; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(*--- word_of_argument ---*)
Definition word_of_argument (regs: Reg) (a: Z + RegName): option Word :=
match a with
| inl n => Some (WInt n)
| inr r => regs !! r
Lemma word_of_argument_Some_inv (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (w:Word) :
word_of_argument regs arg = Some w →
((∃ z, arg = inl z ∧ w = WInt z) ∨
(∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some w)).
unfold word_of_argument. intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma word_of_argument_Some_inv' (regs regs': Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (w:Word) :
word_of_argument regs arg = Some w →
regs ⊆ regs' →
((∃ z, arg = inl z ∧ w = WInt z) ∨
(∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some w ∧ regs' !! r = Some w)).
unfold word_of_argument. intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto.
intros HH. unshelve epose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ _ HH); eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma word_of_argument_inr (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) p b e a:
word_of_argument regs arg = Some (WCap p b e a) →
(∃ r : RegName, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WCap p b e a)).
intros HStoreV.
unfold word_of_argument in HStoreV.
destruct arg.
- by inversion HStoreV.
- exists r. destruct (regs !! r) eqn:Hvr0; last by inversion HStoreV.
split; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma word_of_arg_mono (regs r: Reg) arg w:
regs ⊆ r
-> word_of_argument regs arg = Some w
-> word_of_argument r arg = Some w.
unfold word_of_argument in *.
destruct arg; auto. destruct (_ !! _) eqn:Heq; [| congruence].
eapply lookup_weaken in Heq as ->; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(*--- addr_of_argument ---*)
Definition addr_of_argument regs src :=
match z_of_argument regs src with
| Some n => z_to_addr n
| None => None
Lemma addr_of_argument_Some_inv (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (a:Addr) :
addr_of_argument regs arg = Some a →
∃ z, z_to_addr z = Some a ∧
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold addr_of_argument, z_of_argument.
intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto. eexists. eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma addr_of_argument_Some_inv' (regs regs': Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (a:Addr) :
addr_of_argument regs arg = Some a →
regs ⊆ regs' →
∃ z, z_to_addr z = Some a ∧
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z) ∧ regs' !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold addr_of_argument, z_of_argument.
intros ? HH. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto. eexists. split; eauto.
unshelve epose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ _ HH); eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma addr_of_arg_mono (regs r: Reg) arg w:
regs ⊆ r
-> addr_of_argument regs arg = Some w
-> addr_of_argument r arg = Some w.
unfold addr_of_argument, z_of_argument in *.
destruct arg; auto. destruct (_ !! _) eqn:Heq; [| congruence].
eapply lookup_weaken in Heq as ->; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(*--- otype_of_argument ---*)
Definition otype_of_argument regs src : option OType :=
match z_of_argument regs src with
| Some n => (z_to_otype n) : option OType
| None => None : option OType
Lemma otype_of_argument_Some_inv (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (o:OType) :
otype_of_argument regs arg = Some o →
∃ z, z_to_otype z = Some o ∧
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold otype_of_argument, z_of_argument.
intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto. eexists. eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma otype_of_argument_Some_inv' (regs regs': Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (o:OType) :
otype_of_argument regs arg = Some o →
regs ⊆ regs' →
∃ z, z_to_otype z = Some o ∧
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z) ∧ regs' !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold otype_of_argument, z_of_argument.
intros ? HH. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto. eexists. split; eauto.
unshelve epose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ _ HH); eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma otype_of_arg_mono (regs r: Reg) arg w:
regs ⊆ r
-> otype_of_argument regs arg = Some w
-> otype_of_argument r arg = Some w.
unfold otype_of_argument, z_of_argument in *.
destruct arg; auto. destruct (_ !! _) eqn:Heq; [| congruence].
eapply lookup_weaken in Heq as ->; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Section opsem.
Context `{MachineParameters}.
Definition exec_opt (i: instr) (φ: ExecConf): option Conf :=
match i with
| Fail => Some (Failed, φ)
| Halt => Some (Halted, φ)
| Jmp r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
let φ' := (update_reg φ PC (updatePcPerm wr)) in Some (NextI, φ') (* Note: allow jumping to integers, sealing ranges etc; machine will crash later *)
| Jnz r1 r2 =>
wr2 ← (reg φ) !! r2;
wr1 ← (reg φ) !! r1;
if nonZero wr2 then
let φ' := (update_reg φ PC (updatePcPerm wr1)) in Some (NextI, φ')
else updatePC φ
| Load dst src =>
wsrc ← (reg φ) !! src;
match wsrc with
| WCap p b e a =>
if readAllowed p && withinBounds b e a then
asrc ← (mem φ) !! a;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst asrc)
else None
| _ => None
| Store dst ρ =>
tostore ← word_of_argument (reg φ) ρ;
wdst ← (reg φ) !! dst;
match wdst with
| WCap p b e a =>
if writeAllowed p && withinBounds b e a then
updatePC (update_mem φ a tostore)
else None
| _ => None
| Mov dst ρ =>
tomov ← word_of_argument (reg φ) ρ;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst tomov)
| Lea dst ρ =>
n ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ;
wdst ← (reg φ) !! dst;
match wdst with
| WCap p b e a =>
match p with
| E => None
| _ => match (a + n)%a with
| Some a' => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WCap p b e a'))
| None => None
| WSealRange p b e a =>
match (a + n)%ot with
| Some a' => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealRange p b e a'))
| None => None
| _ => None
| Restrict dst ρ =>
n ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ ;
wdst ← (reg φ) !! dst;
match wdst with
| WCap permPair b e a =>
match permPair with
| E => None
| _ => if PermFlowsTo (decodePerm n) permPair then
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WCap (decodePerm n) b e a))
else None
| WSealRange p b e a =>
if SealPermFlowsTo (decodeSealPerms n) p then
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealRange (decodeSealPerms n) b e a))
else None
| _ => None
| Add dst ρ1 ρ2 =>
n1 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
n2 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (n1 + n2)%Z))
| Sub dst ρ1 ρ2 =>
n1 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
n2 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (n1 - n2)%Z))
| Lt dst ρ1 ρ2 =>
n1 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
n2 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (Z.b2z (Z.ltb n1 n2))))
| Subseg dst ρ1 ρ2 =>
wdst ← (reg φ) !! dst;
match wdst with
| WCap p b e a =>
a1 ← addr_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
a2 ← addr_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
match p with
| E => None
| _ =>
if isWithin a1 a2 b e then
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WCap p a1 a2 a))
else None
| WSealRange p b e a =>
o1 ← otype_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
o2 ← otype_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
if isWithin o1 o2 b e then
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealRange p o1 o2 a))
else None
| _ => None
| GetA dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WCap _ _ _ a => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt a))
| WSealRange _ _ _ a => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt a))
| _ => None
| GetB dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WCap _ b _ _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt b))
| WSealRange _ b _ _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt b))
| _ => None
| GetE dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WCap _ _ e _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt e))
| WSealRange _ _ e _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt e))
| _ => None
| GetP dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WCap p _ _ _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (encodePerm p)))
| WSealRange p _ _ _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (encodeSealPerms p)))
| _ => None
| GetOType dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WSealed o _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt o))
(* NOTE if not a sealed, return -1 in any other case ? What if not a sealable ? *)
| _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (-1)))
| GetWType dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r; updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (encodeWordType wr)))
| Seal dst r1 r2 =>
wr1 ← (reg φ) !! r1;
wr2 ← (reg φ) !! r2;
match wr1,wr2 with
| WSealRange p b e a, WSealable sb =>
if permit_seal p && withinBounds b e a then updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealed a sb))
else None
| _, _ => None
| UnSeal dst r1 r2 =>
wr1 ← (reg φ) !! r1;
wr2 ← (reg φ) !! r2;
match wr1, wr2 with
| WSealRange p b e a, WSealed a' sb =>
if decide (permit_unseal p = true ∧ withinBounds b e a = true ∧ a' = a) then updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealable sb))
else None
| _,_ => None
Definition exec (i: instr) (φ: ExecConf) : Conf :=
match exec_opt i φ with | None => (Failed, φ) | Some conf => conf end .
Lemma exec_opt_exec_some :
forall φ i c,
exec_opt i φ = Some c →
exec i φ = c.
Proof. unfold exec. by intros * ->. Qed.
Lemma exec_opt_exec_none :
forall φ i,
exec_opt i φ = None →
exec i φ = (Failed, φ).
Proof. unfold exec. by intros * ->. Qed.
Inductive step: Conf → Conf → Prop :=
| step_exec_regfail:
forall φ,
(reg φ) !! PC = None →
step (Executable, φ) (Failed, φ)
| step_exec_corrfail:
forall φ wreg,
(reg φ) !! PC = Some wreg →
not (isCorrectPC wreg) →
step (Executable, φ) (Failed, φ)
| step_exec_memfail:
forall φ p b e a,
(reg φ) !! PC = Some (WCap p b e a) →
(mem φ) !! a = None →
step (Executable, φ) (Failed, φ)
| step_exec_instr:
forall φ p b e a i c wa,
(reg φ) !! PC = Some (WCap p b e a) → (* only works for caps *)
(mem φ) !! a = Some wa →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
decodeInstrW wa = i →
exec i φ = c →
step (Executable, φ) (c.1, c.2).
Lemma normal_always_step:
forall φ, exists cf φ', step (Executable, φ) (cf, φ').
intros. destruct (reg φ !! PC) as [wpc | ] eqn:Hreg.
destruct (isCorrectPC_dec wpc) as [Hcorr | ].
set (Hcorr' := Hcorr).
inversion Hcorr' as [???? _ _ Hre]. subst wpc.
destruct (mem φ !! a) as [wa | ] eqn:Hmem.
all: eexists _,_; by econstructor.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma step_deterministic:
forall c1 c2 c2' σ1 σ2 σ2',
step (c1, σ1) (c2, σ2) →
step (c1, σ1) (c2', σ2') →
c2 = c2' ∧ σ2 = σ2'.
intros * H1 H2; split; inv H1; inv H2; auto; try congruence.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma step_exec_inv (r: Reg) p b e a m w instr (c: ConfFlag) (σ: ExecConf) :
r !! PC = Some (WCap p b e a) →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
m !! a = Some w →
decodeInstrW w = instr →
step (Executable, (r, m)) (c, σ) →
exec instr (r, m) = (c, σ).
intros HPC Hpc Hm Hinstr. inversion 1; cbn in *.
1,2,3: congruence.
simplify_eq. by destruct (exec _ _).
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma step_fail_inv wpc c (σ σ': ExecConf) :
reg σ !! PC = Some wpc →
¬ isCorrectPC wpc →
step (Executable, σ) (c, σ') →
c = Failed ∧ σ' = σ.
intros Hw HPC Hs. inversion Hs; subst; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Inductive val: Type :=
| HaltedV: val
| FailedV: val
| NextIV: val.
(* TODO: change to co-inductive list in the Seq case *)
Inductive expr: Type :=
| Instr (c : ConfFlag)
| Seq (e : expr).
Definition state : Type := ExecConf.
Definition of_val (v: val): expr :=
match v with
| HaltedV => Instr Halted
| FailedV => Instr Failed
| NextIV => Instr NextI
Definition to_val (e: expr): option val :=
match e with
| Instr c =>
match c with
| Executable => None
| Halted => Some HaltedV
| Failed => Some FailedV
| NextI => Some NextIV
| Seq _ => None
Lemma of_to_val:
forall e v, to_val e = Some v →
of_val v = e.
intros * HH. destruct e; try destruct c; simpl in HH; inv HH; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma to_of_val:
forall v, to_val (of_val v) = Some v.
Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed.
From iris.program_logic Require Import language ectx_language ectxi_language.
From stdpp Require Import gmap fin_maps list.
From cap_machine Require Export addr_reg machine_base machine_parameters.
Set Warnings "-redundant-canonical-projection".
(* Ltac inv H := inversion H; clear H; subst. *)
Definition ExecConf := (Reg * Mem)%type.
Inductive ConfFlag : Type :=
| Executable
| Halted
| Failed
| NextI.
Definition Conf: Type := ConfFlag * ExecConf.
Definition reg (ϕ: ExecConf) := fst ϕ.
Definition mem (ϕ: ExecConf) := snd ϕ.
Definition update_reg (φ: ExecConf) (r: RegName) (w: Word): ExecConf := (<[r:=w]>(reg φ),mem φ).
Definition update_mem (φ: ExecConf) (a: Addr) (w: Word): ExecConf := (reg φ, <[a:=w]>(mem φ)).
(* Note that the `None` values here also undo any previous changes that were tentatively made in the same step. This is more consistent across the board. *)
Definition updatePC (φ: ExecConf): option Conf :=
match (reg φ) !! PC with
| Some (WCap p b e a) =>
match (a + 1)%a with
| Some a' => let φ' := (update_reg φ PC (WCap p b e a')) in
Some (NextI, φ')
| None => None
| _ => None
(*--- z_of_argument ---*)
Definition z_of_argument (regs: Reg) (a: Z + RegName) : option Z :=
match a with
| inl z => Some z
| inr r =>
match regs !! r with
| Some (WInt z) => Some z
| _ => None
Lemma z_of_argument_Some_inv (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (z:Z) :
z_of_argument regs arg = Some z →
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold z_of_argument. intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma z_of_argument_Some_inv' (regs regs': Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (z:Z) :
z_of_argument regs arg = Some z →
regs ⊆ regs' →
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z) ∧ regs' !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold z_of_argument. intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto.
intros HH. unshelve epose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ _ HH); eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma z_of_arg_mono (regs r: Reg) arg argz:
regs ⊆ r
-> z_of_argument regs arg = Some argz
-> z_of_argument r arg = Some argz.
unfold z_of_argument in *.
destruct arg; auto. destruct (_ !! _) eqn:Heq; [| congruence].
eapply lookup_weaken in Heq as ->; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(*--- word_of_argument ---*)
Definition word_of_argument (regs: Reg) (a: Z + RegName): option Word :=
match a with
| inl n => Some (WInt n)
| inr r => regs !! r
Lemma word_of_argument_Some_inv (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (w:Word) :
word_of_argument regs arg = Some w →
((∃ z, arg = inl z ∧ w = WInt z) ∨
(∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some w)).
unfold word_of_argument. intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma word_of_argument_Some_inv' (regs regs': Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (w:Word) :
word_of_argument regs arg = Some w →
regs ⊆ regs' →
((∃ z, arg = inl z ∧ w = WInt z) ∨
(∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some w ∧ regs' !! r = Some w)).
unfold word_of_argument. intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto.
intros HH. unshelve epose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ _ HH); eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma word_of_argument_inr (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) p b e a:
word_of_argument regs arg = Some (WCap p b e a) →
(∃ r : RegName, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WCap p b e a)).
intros HStoreV.
unfold word_of_argument in HStoreV.
destruct arg.
- by inversion HStoreV.
- exists r. destruct (regs !! r) eqn:Hvr0; last by inversion HStoreV.
split; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma word_of_arg_mono (regs r: Reg) arg w:
regs ⊆ r
-> word_of_argument regs arg = Some w
-> word_of_argument r arg = Some w.
unfold word_of_argument in *.
destruct arg; auto. destruct (_ !! _) eqn:Heq; [| congruence].
eapply lookup_weaken in Heq as ->; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(*--- addr_of_argument ---*)
Definition addr_of_argument regs src :=
match z_of_argument regs src with
| Some n => z_to_addr n
| None => None
Lemma addr_of_argument_Some_inv (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (a:Addr) :
addr_of_argument regs arg = Some a →
∃ z, z_to_addr z = Some a ∧
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold addr_of_argument, z_of_argument.
intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto. eexists. eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma addr_of_argument_Some_inv' (regs regs': Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (a:Addr) :
addr_of_argument regs arg = Some a →
regs ⊆ regs' →
∃ z, z_to_addr z = Some a ∧
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z) ∧ regs' !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold addr_of_argument, z_of_argument.
intros ? HH. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto. eexists. split; eauto.
unshelve epose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ _ HH); eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma addr_of_arg_mono (regs r: Reg) arg w:
regs ⊆ r
-> addr_of_argument regs arg = Some w
-> addr_of_argument r arg = Some w.
unfold addr_of_argument, z_of_argument in *.
destruct arg; auto. destruct (_ !! _) eqn:Heq; [| congruence].
eapply lookup_weaken in Heq as ->; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
(*--- otype_of_argument ---*)
Definition otype_of_argument regs src : option OType :=
match z_of_argument regs src with
| Some n => (z_to_otype n) : option OType
| None => None : option OType
Lemma otype_of_argument_Some_inv (regs: Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (o:OType) :
otype_of_argument regs arg = Some o →
∃ z, z_to_otype z = Some o ∧
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold otype_of_argument, z_of_argument.
intro. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto. eexists. eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma otype_of_argument_Some_inv' (regs regs': Reg) (arg: Z + RegName) (o:OType) :
otype_of_argument regs arg = Some o →
regs ⊆ regs' →
∃ z, z_to_otype z = Some o ∧
(arg = inl z ∨ ∃ r, arg = inr r ∧ regs !! r = Some (WInt z) ∧ regs' !! r = Some (WInt z)).
unfold otype_of_argument, z_of_argument.
intros ? HH. repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; eauto. eexists. split; eauto.
unshelve epose proof (lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ _ HH); eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma otype_of_arg_mono (regs r: Reg) arg w:
regs ⊆ r
-> otype_of_argument regs arg = Some w
-> otype_of_argument r arg = Some w.
unfold otype_of_argument, z_of_argument in *.
destruct arg; auto. destruct (_ !! _) eqn:Heq; [| congruence].
eapply lookup_weaken in Heq as ->; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Section opsem.
Context `{MachineParameters}.
Definition exec_opt (i: instr) (φ: ExecConf): option Conf :=
match i with
| Fail => Some (Failed, φ)
| Halt => Some (Halted, φ)
| Jmp r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
let φ' := (update_reg φ PC (updatePcPerm wr)) in Some (NextI, φ') (* Note: allow jumping to integers, sealing ranges etc; machine will crash later *)
| Jnz r1 r2 =>
wr2 ← (reg φ) !! r2;
wr1 ← (reg φ) !! r1;
if nonZero wr2 then
let φ' := (update_reg φ PC (updatePcPerm wr1)) in Some (NextI, φ')
else updatePC φ
| Load dst src =>
wsrc ← (reg φ) !! src;
match wsrc with
| WCap p b e a =>
if readAllowed p && withinBounds b e a then
asrc ← (mem φ) !! a;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst asrc)
else None
| _ => None
| Store dst ρ =>
tostore ← word_of_argument (reg φ) ρ;
wdst ← (reg φ) !! dst;
match wdst with
| WCap p b e a =>
if writeAllowed p && withinBounds b e a then
updatePC (update_mem φ a tostore)
else None
| _ => None
| Mov dst ρ =>
tomov ← word_of_argument (reg φ) ρ;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst tomov)
| Lea dst ρ =>
n ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ;
wdst ← (reg φ) !! dst;
match wdst with
| WCap p b e a =>
match p with
| E => None
| _ => match (a + n)%a with
| Some a' => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WCap p b e a'))
| None => None
| WSealRange p b e a =>
match (a + n)%ot with
| Some a' => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealRange p b e a'))
| None => None
| _ => None
| Restrict dst ρ =>
n ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ ;
wdst ← (reg φ) !! dst;
match wdst with
| WCap permPair b e a =>
match permPair with
| E => None
| _ => if PermFlowsTo (decodePerm n) permPair then
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WCap (decodePerm n) b e a))
else None
| WSealRange p b e a =>
if SealPermFlowsTo (decodeSealPerms n) p then
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealRange (decodeSealPerms n) b e a))
else None
| _ => None
| Add dst ρ1 ρ2 =>
n1 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
n2 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (n1 + n2)%Z))
| Sub dst ρ1 ρ2 =>
n1 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
n2 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (n1 - n2)%Z))
| Lt dst ρ1 ρ2 =>
n1 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
n2 ← z_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (Z.b2z (Z.ltb n1 n2))))
| Subseg dst ρ1 ρ2 =>
wdst ← (reg φ) !! dst;
match wdst with
| WCap p b e a =>
a1 ← addr_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
a2 ← addr_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
match p with
| E => None
| _ =>
if isWithin a1 a2 b e then
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WCap p a1 a2 a))
else None
| WSealRange p b e a =>
o1 ← otype_of_argument (reg φ) ρ1;
o2 ← otype_of_argument (reg φ) ρ2;
if isWithin o1 o2 b e then
updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealRange p o1 o2 a))
else None
| _ => None
| GetA dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WCap _ _ _ a => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt a))
| WSealRange _ _ _ a => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt a))
| _ => None
| GetB dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WCap _ b _ _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt b))
| WSealRange _ b _ _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt b))
| _ => None
| GetE dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WCap _ _ e _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt e))
| WSealRange _ _ e _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt e))
| _ => None
| GetP dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WCap p _ _ _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (encodePerm p)))
| WSealRange p _ _ _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (encodeSealPerms p)))
| _ => None
| GetOType dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r;
match wr with
| WSealed o _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt o))
(* NOTE if not a sealed, return -1 in any other case ? What if not a sealable ? *)
| _ => updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (-1)))
| GetWType dst r =>
wr ← (reg φ) !! r; updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WInt (encodeWordType wr)))
| Seal dst r1 r2 =>
wr1 ← (reg φ) !! r1;
wr2 ← (reg φ) !! r2;
match wr1,wr2 with
| WSealRange p b e a, WSealable sb =>
if permit_seal p && withinBounds b e a then updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealed a sb))
else None
| _, _ => None
| UnSeal dst r1 r2 =>
wr1 ← (reg φ) !! r1;
wr2 ← (reg φ) !! r2;
match wr1, wr2 with
| WSealRange p b e a, WSealed a' sb =>
if decide (permit_unseal p = true ∧ withinBounds b e a = true ∧ a' = a) then updatePC (update_reg φ dst (WSealable sb))
else None
| _,_ => None
Definition exec (i: instr) (φ: ExecConf) : Conf :=
match exec_opt i φ with | None => (Failed, φ) | Some conf => conf end .
Lemma exec_opt_exec_some :
forall φ i c,
exec_opt i φ = Some c →
exec i φ = c.
Proof. unfold exec. by intros * ->. Qed.
Lemma exec_opt_exec_none :
forall φ i,
exec_opt i φ = None →
exec i φ = (Failed, φ).
Proof. unfold exec. by intros * ->. Qed.
Inductive step: Conf → Conf → Prop :=
| step_exec_regfail:
forall φ,
(reg φ) !! PC = None →
step (Executable, φ) (Failed, φ)
| step_exec_corrfail:
forall φ wreg,
(reg φ) !! PC = Some wreg →
not (isCorrectPC wreg) →
step (Executable, φ) (Failed, φ)
| step_exec_memfail:
forall φ p b e a,
(reg φ) !! PC = Some (WCap p b e a) →
(mem φ) !! a = None →
step (Executable, φ) (Failed, φ)
| step_exec_instr:
forall φ p b e a i c wa,
(reg φ) !! PC = Some (WCap p b e a) → (* only works for caps *)
(mem φ) !! a = Some wa →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
decodeInstrW wa = i →
exec i φ = c →
step (Executable, φ) (c.1, c.2).
Lemma normal_always_step:
forall φ, exists cf φ', step (Executable, φ) (cf, φ').
intros. destruct (reg φ !! PC) as [wpc | ] eqn:Hreg.
destruct (isCorrectPC_dec wpc) as [Hcorr | ].
set (Hcorr' := Hcorr).
inversion Hcorr' as [???? _ _ Hre]. subst wpc.
destruct (mem φ !! a) as [wa | ] eqn:Hmem.
all: eexists _,_; by econstructor.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma step_deterministic:
forall c1 c2 c2' σ1 σ2 σ2',
step (c1, σ1) (c2, σ2) →
step (c1, σ1) (c2', σ2') →
c2 = c2' ∧ σ2 = σ2'.
intros * H1 H2; split; inv H1; inv H2; auto; try congruence.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma step_exec_inv (r: Reg) p b e a m w instr (c: ConfFlag) (σ: ExecConf) :
r !! PC = Some (WCap p b e a) →
isCorrectPC (WCap p b e a) →
m !! a = Some w →
decodeInstrW w = instr →
step (Executable, (r, m)) (c, σ) →
exec instr (r, m) = (c, σ).
intros HPC Hpc Hm Hinstr. inversion 1; cbn in *.
1,2,3: congruence.
simplify_eq. by destruct (exec _ _).
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma step_fail_inv wpc c (σ σ': ExecConf) :
reg σ !! PC = Some wpc →
¬ isCorrectPC wpc →
step (Executable, σ) (c, σ') →
c = Failed ∧ σ' = σ.
intros Hw HPC Hs. inversion Hs; subst; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Inductive val: Type :=
| HaltedV: val
| FailedV: val
| NextIV: val.
(* TODO: change to co-inductive list in the Seq case *)
Inductive expr: Type :=
| Instr (c : ConfFlag)
| Seq (e : expr).
Definition state : Type := ExecConf.
Definition of_val (v: val): expr :=
match v with
| HaltedV => Instr Halted
| FailedV => Instr Failed
| NextIV => Instr NextI
Definition to_val (e: expr): option val :=
match e with
| Instr c =>
match c with
| Executable => None
| Halted => Some HaltedV
| Failed => Some FailedV
| NextI => Some NextIV
| Seq _ => None
Lemma of_to_val:
forall e v, to_val e = Some v →
of_val v = e.
intros * HH. destruct e; try destruct c; simpl in HH; inv HH; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma to_of_val:
forall v, to_val (of_val v) = Some v.
Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed.
Evaluation context
Inductive ectx_item :=
| SeqCtx.
Notation ectx := (list ectx_item).
Definition fill_item (Ki : ectx_item) (e : expr) : expr :=
match Ki with
| SeqCtx => Seq e
Inductive prim_step: expr → state → list Empty_set → expr → state → list expr → Prop :=
| PS_no_fork_instr σ e' σ' :
step (Executable, σ) (e', σ') → prim_step (Instr Executable) σ [] (Instr e') σ' []
| PS_no_fork_seq σ : prim_step (Seq (Instr NextI)) σ [] (Seq (Instr Executable)) σ []
| PS_no_fork_halt σ : prim_step (Seq (Instr Halted)) σ [] (Instr Halted) σ []
| PS_no_fork_fail σ : prim_step (Seq (Instr Failed)) σ [] (Instr Failed) σ [].
Lemma val_stuck:
forall e σ o e' σ' efs,
prim_step e σ o e' σ' efs →
to_val e = None.
Proof. intros * HH. by inversion HH. Qed.
Lemma prim_step_exec_inv σ1 l1 e2 σ2 efs :
prim_step (Instr Executable) σ1 l1 e2 σ2 efs →
l1 = [] ∧ efs = [] ∧
exists (c: ConfFlag),
e2 = Instr c ∧
step (Executable, σ1) (c, σ2).
Proof. inversion 1; subst; split; eauto. Qed.
Lemma prim_step_and_step_exec σ1 e2 σ2 l1 e2' σ2' efs :
step (Executable, σ1) (e2, σ2) →
prim_step (Instr Executable) σ1 l1 e2' σ2' efs →
l1 = [] ∧ e2' = (Instr e2) ∧ σ2' = σ2 ∧ efs = [].
intros* Hstep Hpstep. inversion Hpstep as [? ? ? Hstep' | | |]; subst.
generalize (step_deterministic _ _ _ _ _ _ Hstep Hstep'). intros [-> ->].
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma cap_lang_determ e1 σ1 κ κ' e2 e2' σ2 σ2' efs efs' :
prim_step e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 efs →
prim_step e1 σ1 κ' e2' σ2' efs' →
κ = κ' ∧ e2 = e2' ∧ σ2 = σ2' ∧ efs = efs'.
intros Hs1 Hs2. inv Hs1; inv Hs2.
all: repeat match goal with HH : step _ _ |- _ => inv HH end; try congruence.
all: auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma fill_item_val Ki e :
is_Some (to_val (fill_item Ki e)) → is_Some (to_val e).
Proof. intros [v ?]. destruct Ki; simplify_option_eq; eauto. Qed.
Instance fill_item_inj Ki : Inj (=) (=) (fill_item Ki).
Proof. destruct Ki; intros ???; simplify_eq; auto with f_equal. Qed.
Lemma base_ctx_step_val Ki e σ1 κ e2 σ2 ef :
prim_step (fill_item Ki e) σ1 κ e2 σ2 ef → is_Some (to_val e).
Proof. destruct Ki; inversion_clear 1; simplify_option_eq; eauto. Qed.
Lemma fill_item_no_val_inj Ki1 Ki2 e1 e2 :
to_val e1 = None → to_val e2 = None →
fill_item Ki1 e1 = fill_item Ki2 e2 → Ki1 = Ki2.
destruct Ki1, Ki2; intros; try discriminate; simplify_eq;
repeat match goal with
| HH : to_val (of_val _) = None |- _ => by rewrite to_of_val in HH
end; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma cap_lang_mixin : EctxiLanguageMixin of_val to_val fill_item prim_step.
apply _ || eauto using to_of_val, of_to_val, val_stuck,
fill_item_val, fill_item_no_val_inj, base_ctx_step_val.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition is_atomic (e : expr) : Prop :=
match e with
| Instr _ => True
| _ => False
Lemma updatePC_some φ c:
updatePC φ = Some c → ∃ φ', c = (NextI, φ').
rewrite /updatePC; repeat case_match; try congruence. inversion 1. eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma instr_atomic i φ :
∃ φ', (exec i φ = (Failed, φ') ) ∨ (exec i φ = (NextI, φ')) ∨
(exec i φ = (Halted, φ')).
unfold exec, exec_opt.
repeat case_match; simplify_eq; eauto;rename H0 into Heqo.
(* Create more goals through *_of_argument, now that some have been pruned *)
all: repeat destruct (addr_of_argument (reg φ) _)
; repeat destruct (otype_of_argument (reg φ) _)
; repeat destruct (word_of_argument (reg φ) _)
; repeat destruct (z_of_argument (reg φ) _)
; cbn in *; try by exfalso.
all: repeat destruct (reg _ !! _); cbn in *; repeat case_match.
all: repeat destruct (mem _ !! _); cbn in *; repeat case_match.
all: simplify_eq; try by exfalso.
all: try apply updatePC_some in Heqo as [φ' Heqo]; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
End opsem.
Canonical Structure cap_ectxi_lang `{MachineParameters} := EctxiLanguage cap_lang_mixin.
Canonical Structure cap_ectx_lang `{MachineParameters} := EctxLanguageOfEctxi cap_ectxi_lang.
Canonical Structure cap_lang `{MachineParameters} := LanguageOfEctx cap_ectx_lang.
#[export] Hint Extern 20 (PureExec _ _ _) => progress simpl : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 5 (IntoVal _ _) => eapply of_to_val; fast_done : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 10 (IntoVal _ _) =>
rewrite /IntoVal; eapply of_to_val; rewrite /= !to_of_val /=; solve [ eauto ] : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 5 (AsVal _) => eexists; eapply of_to_val; fast_done : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 10 (AsVal _) =>
eexists; rewrite /IntoVal; eapply of_to_val; rewrite /= !to_of_val /=; solve [ eauto ] : typeclass_instances.
Local Hint Resolve language.val_irreducible : core.
Local Hint Resolve to_of_val : core.
Local Hint Unfold language.irreducible : core.
Global Instance dec_pc c : Decision (isCorrectPC c).
Proof. apply isCorrectPC_dec. Qed.
(* There is probably a more general instance to be stated there...*)
Instance Reflexive_ofe_equiv_Word : (Reflexive (ofe_equiv (leibnizO Word))).
Proof. intro; reflexivity. Qed.
Global Instance is_atomic_correct `{MachineParameters} s (e : expr) : is_atomic e → Atomic s e.
intros Ha; apply strongly_atomic_atomic, ectx_language_atomic.
- destruct e.
+ destruct c; rewrite /Atomic; intros ????? Hstep;
inversion Hstep.
match goal with HH : step _ _ |- _ => inversion HH end; eauto.
destruct (instr_atomic i σ) as [σstepped [Hst | [Hst | Hst]]];
simplify_eq; rewrite Hst; simpl; eauto.
+ inversion Ha.
- intros K e' -> Hval%eq_None_not_Some.
induction K using rev_ind; first done.
simpl in Ha; rewrite fill_app in Ha; simpl in Ha.
destruct Hval. apply (fill_val K e'); simpl in *.
destruct x; naive_solver.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Ltac solve_atomic :=
apply is_atomic_correct; simpl; repeat split;
rewrite ?to_of_val; eapply mk_is_Some; fast_done.
#[export] Hint Extern 0 (Atomic _ _) => solve_atomic : core.
#[export] Hint Extern 0 (Atomic _ _) => solve_atomic : typeclass_instances.
Lemma base_reducible_from_step `{MachineParameters} σ1 e2 σ2 :
step (Executable, σ1) (e2, σ2) →
base_reducible (Instr Executable) σ1.
Proof. intros * HH. rewrite /base_reducible /base_step //=.
eexists [], (Instr _), σ2, []. by constructor.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma normal_always_base_reducible `{MachineParameters} σ :
base_reducible (Instr Executable) σ.
generalize (normal_always_step σ); intros (?&?&?).
eapply base_reducible_from_step. eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
| SeqCtx.
Notation ectx := (list ectx_item).
Definition fill_item (Ki : ectx_item) (e : expr) : expr :=
match Ki with
| SeqCtx => Seq e
Inductive prim_step: expr → state → list Empty_set → expr → state → list expr → Prop :=
| PS_no_fork_instr σ e' σ' :
step (Executable, σ) (e', σ') → prim_step (Instr Executable) σ [] (Instr e') σ' []
| PS_no_fork_seq σ : prim_step (Seq (Instr NextI)) σ [] (Seq (Instr Executable)) σ []
| PS_no_fork_halt σ : prim_step (Seq (Instr Halted)) σ [] (Instr Halted) σ []
| PS_no_fork_fail σ : prim_step (Seq (Instr Failed)) σ [] (Instr Failed) σ [].
Lemma val_stuck:
forall e σ o e' σ' efs,
prim_step e σ o e' σ' efs →
to_val e = None.
Proof. intros * HH. by inversion HH. Qed.
Lemma prim_step_exec_inv σ1 l1 e2 σ2 efs :
prim_step (Instr Executable) σ1 l1 e2 σ2 efs →
l1 = [] ∧ efs = [] ∧
exists (c: ConfFlag),
e2 = Instr c ∧
step (Executable, σ1) (c, σ2).
Proof. inversion 1; subst; split; eauto. Qed.
Lemma prim_step_and_step_exec σ1 e2 σ2 l1 e2' σ2' efs :
step (Executable, σ1) (e2, σ2) →
prim_step (Instr Executable) σ1 l1 e2' σ2' efs →
l1 = [] ∧ e2' = (Instr e2) ∧ σ2' = σ2 ∧ efs = [].
intros* Hstep Hpstep. inversion Hpstep as [? ? ? Hstep' | | |]; subst.
generalize (step_deterministic _ _ _ _ _ _ Hstep Hstep'). intros [-> ->].
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma cap_lang_determ e1 σ1 κ κ' e2 e2' σ2 σ2' efs efs' :
prim_step e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 efs →
prim_step e1 σ1 κ' e2' σ2' efs' →
κ = κ' ∧ e2 = e2' ∧ σ2 = σ2' ∧ efs = efs'.
intros Hs1 Hs2. inv Hs1; inv Hs2.
all: repeat match goal with HH : step _ _ |- _ => inv HH end; try congruence.
all: auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma fill_item_val Ki e :
is_Some (to_val (fill_item Ki e)) → is_Some (to_val e).
Proof. intros [v ?]. destruct Ki; simplify_option_eq; eauto. Qed.
Instance fill_item_inj Ki : Inj (=) (=) (fill_item Ki).
Proof. destruct Ki; intros ???; simplify_eq; auto with f_equal. Qed.
Lemma base_ctx_step_val Ki e σ1 κ e2 σ2 ef :
prim_step (fill_item Ki e) σ1 κ e2 σ2 ef → is_Some (to_val e).
Proof. destruct Ki; inversion_clear 1; simplify_option_eq; eauto. Qed.
Lemma fill_item_no_val_inj Ki1 Ki2 e1 e2 :
to_val e1 = None → to_val e2 = None →
fill_item Ki1 e1 = fill_item Ki2 e2 → Ki1 = Ki2.
destruct Ki1, Ki2; intros; try discriminate; simplify_eq;
repeat match goal with
| HH : to_val (of_val _) = None |- _ => by rewrite to_of_val in HH
end; auto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma cap_lang_mixin : EctxiLanguageMixin of_val to_val fill_item prim_step.
apply _ || eauto using to_of_val, of_to_val, val_stuck,
fill_item_val, fill_item_no_val_inj, base_ctx_step_val.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Definition is_atomic (e : expr) : Prop :=
match e with
| Instr _ => True
| _ => False
Lemma updatePC_some φ c:
updatePC φ = Some c → ∃ φ', c = (NextI, φ').
rewrite /updatePC; repeat case_match; try congruence. inversion 1. eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma instr_atomic i φ :
∃ φ', (exec i φ = (Failed, φ') ) ∨ (exec i φ = (NextI, φ')) ∨
(exec i φ = (Halted, φ')).
unfold exec, exec_opt.
repeat case_match; simplify_eq; eauto;rename H0 into Heqo.
(* Create more goals through *_of_argument, now that some have been pruned *)
all: repeat destruct (addr_of_argument (reg φ) _)
; repeat destruct (otype_of_argument (reg φ) _)
; repeat destruct (word_of_argument (reg φ) _)
; repeat destruct (z_of_argument (reg φ) _)
; cbn in *; try by exfalso.
all: repeat destruct (reg _ !! _); cbn in *; repeat case_match.
all: repeat destruct (mem _ !! _); cbn in *; repeat case_match.
all: simplify_eq; try by exfalso.
all: try apply updatePC_some in Heqo as [φ' Heqo]; eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
End opsem.
Canonical Structure cap_ectxi_lang `{MachineParameters} := EctxiLanguage cap_lang_mixin.
Canonical Structure cap_ectx_lang `{MachineParameters} := EctxLanguageOfEctxi cap_ectxi_lang.
Canonical Structure cap_lang `{MachineParameters} := LanguageOfEctx cap_ectx_lang.
#[export] Hint Extern 20 (PureExec _ _ _) => progress simpl : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 5 (IntoVal _ _) => eapply of_to_val; fast_done : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 10 (IntoVal _ _) =>
rewrite /IntoVal; eapply of_to_val; rewrite /= !to_of_val /=; solve [ eauto ] : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 5 (AsVal _) => eexists; eapply of_to_val; fast_done : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 10 (AsVal _) =>
eexists; rewrite /IntoVal; eapply of_to_val; rewrite /= !to_of_val /=; solve [ eauto ] : typeclass_instances.
Local Hint Resolve language.val_irreducible : core.
Local Hint Resolve to_of_val : core.
Local Hint Unfold language.irreducible : core.
Global Instance dec_pc c : Decision (isCorrectPC c).
Proof. apply isCorrectPC_dec. Qed.
(* There is probably a more general instance to be stated there...*)
Instance Reflexive_ofe_equiv_Word : (Reflexive (ofe_equiv (leibnizO Word))).
Proof. intro; reflexivity. Qed.
Global Instance is_atomic_correct `{MachineParameters} s (e : expr) : is_atomic e → Atomic s e.
intros Ha; apply strongly_atomic_atomic, ectx_language_atomic.
- destruct e.
+ destruct c; rewrite /Atomic; intros ????? Hstep;
inversion Hstep.
match goal with HH : step _ _ |- _ => inversion HH end; eauto.
destruct (instr_atomic i σ) as [σstepped [Hst | [Hst | Hst]]];
simplify_eq; rewrite Hst; simpl; eauto.
+ inversion Ha.
- intros K e' -> Hval%eq_None_not_Some.
induction K using rev_ind; first done.
simpl in Ha; rewrite fill_app in Ha; simpl in Ha.
destruct Hval. apply (fill_val K e'); simpl in *.
destruct x; naive_solver.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Ltac solve_atomic :=
apply is_atomic_correct; simpl; repeat split;
rewrite ?to_of_val; eapply mk_is_Some; fast_done.
#[export] Hint Extern 0 (Atomic _ _) => solve_atomic : core.
#[export] Hint Extern 0 (Atomic _ _) => solve_atomic : typeclass_instances.
Lemma base_reducible_from_step `{MachineParameters} σ1 e2 σ2 :
step (Executable, σ1) (e2, σ2) →
base_reducible (Instr Executable) σ1.
Proof. intros * HH. rewrite /base_reducible /base_step //=.
eexists [], (Instr _), σ2, []. by constructor.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma normal_always_base_reducible `{MachineParameters} σ :
base_reducible (Instr Executable) σ.
generalize (normal_always_step σ); intros (?&?&?).
eapply base_reducible_from_step. eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.