From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From stdpp Require Import base.
From cap_machine Require Export machine_base.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
Class MachineParameters := {
decodeInstr : Z → instr;
encodeInstr : instr → Z;
decode_encode_instr_inv :
forall (i: instr), decodeInstr (encodeInstr i) = i;
encodePerm : Perm → Z;
encodePerm_inj : Inj eq eq encodePerm;
decodePerm : Z → Perm;
decode_encode_perm_inv :
forall pl, decodePerm (encodePerm pl) = pl;
encodeSealPerms : SealPerms → Z;
encodeSealPerms_inj : Inj eq eq encodeSealPerms;
decodeSealPerms : Z → SealPerms;
decode_encode_seal_perms_inv :
forall pl, decodeSealPerms (encodeSealPerms pl) = pl;
encodeWordType : Word -> Z;
decodeWordType : Z -> Word;
encodeWordType_correct :
forall w w', match w,w' with
| WCap _ _ _ _, WCap _ _ _ _ => encodeWordType w = encodeWordType w'
| WSealRange _ _ _ _, WSealRange _ _ _ _ => encodeWordType w = encodeWordType w'
| WSealed _ _, WSealed _ _ => encodeWordType w = encodeWordType w'
| WInt _, WInt _ => encodeWordType w = encodeWordType w'
| _, _ => encodeWordType w <> encodeWordType w'
decode_encode_word_type_inv :
forall w, decodeWordType (encodeWordType w) = w;
(* Lift the encoding / decoding between Z and instructions on Words: simplify
fail on capabilities. *)
Definition decodeInstrW `{MachineParameters} : Word → instr :=
fun w =>
match w with
| WInt z => decodeInstr z
| _ => Fail
Definition encodeInstrW `{MachineParameters} : instr → Word :=
fun i => WInt (encodeInstr i).
Lemma decode_encode_instrW_inv `{MachineParameters} (i: instr):
decodeInstrW (encodeInstrW i) = i.
Proof. apply decode_encode_instr_inv. Qed.
Definition encodeInstrsW `{MachineParameters} : list instr → list Word :=
map encodeInstrW.
Section word_type_encoding.
Definition wt_cap := WCap O 0%a 0%a 0%a.
Definition wt_sealrange := WSealRange (false, false) 0%ot 0%ot 0%ot.
Definition wt_sealed := WSealed 0%ot (SCap O 0%a 0%a 0%a).
Definition wt_int := WInt 0.
End word_type_encoding.
Ltac solve_encodeWordType :=
match goal with
| H: _ |- encodeWordType ?x = encodeWordType ?y =>
try reflexivity
; pose proof (encodeWordType_correct x y) as Heq
; unfold wt_cap, wt_int, wt_sealrange, wt_cap; simpl in Heq
; auto
Ltac simpl_encodeWordType :=
match goal with
| H: _ |- context G [encodeWordType (WCap ?p ?b ?e ?a)] =>
rewrite (_: encodeWordType (WCap p b e a) = encodeWordType wt_cap) ; last solve_encodeWordType
| H: _ |- context G [encodeWordType (WSealRange ?p ?b ?e ?a)] =>
rewrite (_: encodeWordType (WSealRange p b e a) = encodeWordType wt_sealrange) ; last solve_encodeWordType
| H: _ |- context G [encodeWordType (WInt ?n)] =>
rewrite (_: encodeWordType (WInt n) = encodeWordType wt_int) ; last solve_encodeWordType
| H: _ |- context G [encodeWordType (WSealed ?o ?s)] =>
rewrite (_: encodeWordType (WSealed o s) = encodeWordType wt_sealed) ; last solve_encodeWordType
Lemma encodeWordType_correct_cap `{MachineParameters} : forall p b e a p' b' e' a',
encodeWordType (WCap p b e a) = encodeWordType (WCap p' b' e' a').
intros; solve_encodeWordType.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma encodeWordType_correct_int `{MachineParameters} : forall z z',
encodeWordType (WInt z) = encodeWordType (WInt z').
intros; solve_encodeWordType.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma encodeWordType_correct_sealrange `{MachineParameters} : forall p b e a p' b' e' a',
encodeWordType (WSealRange p b e a) = encodeWordType (WSealRange p' b' e' a').
intros; solve_encodeWordType.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma encodeWordType_correct_sealed `{MachineParameters} : forall o s o' s',
encodeWordType (WSealed o s) = encodeWordType (WSealed o' s').
intros; solve_encodeWordType.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
From stdpp Require Import base.
From cap_machine Require Export machine_base.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
Class MachineParameters := {
decodeInstr : Z → instr;
encodeInstr : instr → Z;
decode_encode_instr_inv :
forall (i: instr), decodeInstr (encodeInstr i) = i;
encodePerm : Perm → Z;
encodePerm_inj : Inj eq eq encodePerm;
decodePerm : Z → Perm;
decode_encode_perm_inv :
forall pl, decodePerm (encodePerm pl) = pl;
encodeSealPerms : SealPerms → Z;
encodeSealPerms_inj : Inj eq eq encodeSealPerms;
decodeSealPerms : Z → SealPerms;
decode_encode_seal_perms_inv :
forall pl, decodeSealPerms (encodeSealPerms pl) = pl;
encodeWordType : Word -> Z;
decodeWordType : Z -> Word;
encodeWordType_correct :
forall w w', match w,w' with
| WCap _ _ _ _, WCap _ _ _ _ => encodeWordType w = encodeWordType w'
| WSealRange _ _ _ _, WSealRange _ _ _ _ => encodeWordType w = encodeWordType w'
| WSealed _ _, WSealed _ _ => encodeWordType w = encodeWordType w'
| WInt _, WInt _ => encodeWordType w = encodeWordType w'
| _, _ => encodeWordType w <> encodeWordType w'
decode_encode_word_type_inv :
forall w, decodeWordType (encodeWordType w) = w;
(* Lift the encoding / decoding between Z and instructions on Words: simplify
fail on capabilities. *)
Definition decodeInstrW `{MachineParameters} : Word → instr :=
fun w =>
match w with
| WInt z => decodeInstr z
| _ => Fail
Definition encodeInstrW `{MachineParameters} : instr → Word :=
fun i => WInt (encodeInstr i).
Lemma decode_encode_instrW_inv `{MachineParameters} (i: instr):
decodeInstrW (encodeInstrW i) = i.
Proof. apply decode_encode_instr_inv. Qed.
Definition encodeInstrsW `{MachineParameters} : list instr → list Word :=
map encodeInstrW.
Section word_type_encoding.
Definition wt_cap := WCap O 0%a 0%a 0%a.
Definition wt_sealrange := WSealRange (false, false) 0%ot 0%ot 0%ot.
Definition wt_sealed := WSealed 0%ot (SCap O 0%a 0%a 0%a).
Definition wt_int := WInt 0.
End word_type_encoding.
Ltac solve_encodeWordType :=
match goal with
| H: _ |- encodeWordType ?x = encodeWordType ?y =>
try reflexivity
; pose proof (encodeWordType_correct x y) as Heq
; unfold wt_cap, wt_int, wt_sealrange, wt_cap; simpl in Heq
; auto
Ltac simpl_encodeWordType :=
match goal with
| H: _ |- context G [encodeWordType (WCap ?p ?b ?e ?a)] =>
rewrite (_: encodeWordType (WCap p b e a) = encodeWordType wt_cap) ; last solve_encodeWordType
| H: _ |- context G [encodeWordType (WSealRange ?p ?b ?e ?a)] =>
rewrite (_: encodeWordType (WSealRange p b e a) = encodeWordType wt_sealrange) ; last solve_encodeWordType
| H: _ |- context G [encodeWordType (WInt ?n)] =>
rewrite (_: encodeWordType (WInt n) = encodeWordType wt_int) ; last solve_encodeWordType
| H: _ |- context G [encodeWordType (WSealed ?o ?s)] =>
rewrite (_: encodeWordType (WSealed o s) = encodeWordType wt_sealed) ; last solve_encodeWordType
Lemma encodeWordType_correct_cap `{MachineParameters} : forall p b e a p' b' e' a',
encodeWordType (WCap p b e a) = encodeWordType (WCap p' b' e' a').
intros; solve_encodeWordType.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma encodeWordType_correct_int `{MachineParameters} : forall z z',
encodeWordType (WInt z) = encodeWordType (WInt z').
intros; solve_encodeWordType.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma encodeWordType_correct_sealrange `{MachineParameters} : forall p b e a p' b' e' a',
encodeWordType (WSealRange p b e a) = encodeWordType (WSealRange p' b' e' a').
intros; solve_encodeWordType.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Lemma encodeWordType_correct_sealed `{MachineParameters} : forall o s o' s',
encodeWordType (WSealed o s) = encodeWordType (WSealed o' s').
intros; solve_encodeWordType.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.