From iris.algebra Require Import auth agree excl gmap frac.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.base_logic Require Import invariants.
From iris.program_logic Require Import adequacy.
Require Import Eqdep_dec.
From cap_machine Require Import
stdpp_extra iris_extra
rules logrel fundamental.
From cap_machine.examples Require Import macros malloc.
From cap_machine.examples.counter Require Import counter_preamble.
From cap_machine.proofmode Require Import disjoint_regions_tactics mkregion_helpers.
Instance DisjointList_list_Addr : DisjointList (list Addr).
Proof. exact (@disjoint_list_default _ _ app []). Defined.
Class memory_layout `{MachineParameters} := {
(* awkward example: preamble & body *)
counter_region_start : Addr;
counter_preamble_start : Addr;
counter_body_start : Addr;
counter_region_end : Addr;
(* pointer to the linking table, at the beginning of the region *)
counter_linking_ptr_size :
(counter_region_start + 1)%a = Some counter_preamble_start;
(* preamble code, that allocates the closure *)
counter_preamble_size :
(counter_preamble_start + counter_preamble_instrs_length)%a
= Some counter_body_start;
(* code of the body, wrapped in the closure allocated by the preamble *)
counter_body_size :
(counter_body_start + counter_instrs_length)%a
= Some counter_region_end;
(* adversary code *)
adv_start : Addr;
adv_end : Addr;
(* malloc routine *)
malloc_start : Addr;
malloc_memptr : Addr;
malloc_mem_start : Addr;
malloc_end : Addr;
malloc_code_size :
(malloc_start + length malloc_subroutine_instrs)%a
= Some malloc_memptr;
malloc_memptr_size :
(malloc_memptr + 1)%a = Some malloc_mem_start;
malloc_mem_size :
(malloc_mem_start <= malloc_end)%a;
(* fail routine *)
assert_start : Addr;
assert_cap : Addr;
assert_flag : Addr;
assert_end : Addr;
assert_code_size :
(assert_start + length assert_subroutine_instrs)%a = Some assert_cap;
assert_cap_size :
(assert_cap + 1)%a = Some assert_flag;
assert_flag_size :
(assert_flag + 1)%a = Some assert_end;
(* link table *)
link_table_start : Addr;
link_table_end : Addr;
link_table_size :
(link_table_start + 2)%a = Some link_table_end;
(* disjointness of all the regions above *)
regions_disjoint :
## [
finz.seq_between link_table_start link_table_end;
finz.seq_between assert_start assert_cap;
finz.seq_between malloc_mem_start malloc_end;
finz.seq_between malloc_start malloc_memptr;
finz.seq_between adv_start adv_end;
finz.seq_between counter_body_start counter_region_end;
finz.seq_between counter_preamble_start counter_body_start;
Definition offset_to_awkward `{memory_layout} : Z :=
(* in this setup, the body of the counter comes just after the code
of the preamble *)
(counter_preamble_instrs_length - counter_preamble_move_offset)%Z.
Definition mk_initial_memory `{memory_layout} (adv_val: list Word) : gmap Addr Word :=
(* pointer to the linking table *)
list_to_map [(counter_region_start,
WCap RO link_table_start link_table_end link_table_start)]
∪ mkregion counter_preamble_start counter_body_start
(* preamble: code that creates the awkward example closure *)
(counter_preamble_instrs 0%Z (* offset to malloc in linking table *)
offset_to_awkward (* offset to the body of the example *))
∪ mkregion counter_body_start counter_region_end
(* body of the counter, that will be encapsulated in the closure
created by the preamble *)
(counter_instrs 1) (* offset to fail in the linking table *)
∪ mkregion adv_start adv_end
(* adversarial code: any code or data, but no capabilities (see condition below) except for malloc *)
(adv_val ++ [WCap E malloc_start malloc_end malloc_start])
∪ mkregion malloc_start malloc_memptr
(* code for the malloc subroutine *)
∪ list_to_map
(* Capability to malloc's memory pool, used by the malloc subroutine *)
[(malloc_memptr, WCap RWX malloc_memptr malloc_end malloc_mem_start)]
∪ mkregion malloc_mem_start malloc_end
(* Malloc's memory pool, initialized to zero *)
(region_addrs_zeroes malloc_mem_start malloc_end)
∪ mkregion assert_start assert_cap
(* code for the failure subroutine *)
∪ list_to_map [(assert_cap, WCap RW assert_flag assert_end assert_flag)]
(* pointer to the "assert" flag, set to 1 by the routine *)
∪ list_to_map [(assert_flag, WInt 0%Z)]
(* assert flag, initialized to 0 *)
∪ mkregion link_table_start link_table_end
(* link table, with pointers to the malloc and failure subroutines *)
[WCap E malloc_start malloc_end malloc_start;
WCap E assert_start assert_end assert_start]
Definition is_initial_memory `{memory_layout} (m: gmap Addr Word) :=
∃ (adv_val: list Word) (adv_end': Addr),
m = mk_initial_memory adv_val
(* the adversarial region in memory must only contain instructions, no
capabilities (it can thus only access capabilities the awkward preamble
passes it through the registers) *)
Forall (λ w, is_z w = true \/ in_region w adv_start adv_end') adv_val ∧
(adv_end' + 1)%a = Some adv_end /\
(adv_start + (length adv_val + 1)%nat)%a = Some adv_end.
Definition is_initial_registers `{memory_layout} (reg: gmap RegName Word) :=
reg !! PC = Some (WCap RX counter_region_start counter_region_end counter_preamble_start) ∧
reg !! r_t0 = Some (WCap RWX adv_start adv_end adv_start) ∧
(∀ (r: RegName), r ∉ ({[ PC; r_t0 ]} : gset RegName) →
∃ (w:Word), reg !! r = Some w ∧ is_z w = true).
Lemma initial_registers_full_map `{MachineParameters, memory_layout} reg :
is_initial_registers reg →
(∀ r, is_Some (reg !! r)).
intros (HPC & Hr0 & Hothers) r.
destruct (decide (r = PC)) as [->|]. by eauto.
destruct (decide (r = r_t0)) as [->|]. by eauto.
destruct (Hothers r) as (w & ? & ?); [| eauto]. set_solver.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Section Adequacy.
Context (Σ: gFunctors).
Context {inv_preg: invGpreS Σ}.
Context {mem_preg: gen_heapGpreS Addr Word Σ}.
Context {reg_preg: gen_heapGpreS RegName Word Σ}.
Context {seal_store_preg: sealStorePreG Σ}.
Context {na_invg: na_invG Σ}.
Context `{MP: MachineParameters}.
Definition assertN : namespace := nroot .@ "lib" .@ "assert".
Definition flagN : namespace := nroot .@ "lib" .@ "assert_flag".
Definition mallocN : namespace := nroot .@ "lib" .@ "malloc".
Lemma counter_adequacy' `{memory_layout} (m m': Mem) (reg reg': Reg) (es: list cap_lang.expr):
is_initial_memory m →
is_initial_registers reg →
rtc erased_step ([Seq (Instr Executable)], (reg, m)) (es, (reg', m')) →
m' !! assert_flag = Some (WInt 0%Z).
intros Hm Hreg Hstep.
pose proof (@wp_invariance Σ cap_lang _ NotStuck) as WPI. cbn in WPI.
pose (fun (c: ExecConf) => c.2 !! assert_flag = Some (WInt 0%Z)) as state_is_good.
specialize (WPI (Seq (Instr Executable)) (reg, m) es (reg', m') (state_is_good (reg', m'))).
eapply WPI. 2: assumption. intros Hinv κs. clear WPI.
destruct Hm as (adv_val & adv_end' & Hm & Hadv_val & adv_incr & adv_size).
iMod (gen_heap_init (m:Mem)) as (mem_heapg) "(Hmem_ctx & Hmem & _)".
iMod (gen_heap_init (reg:Reg)) as (reg_heapg) "(Hreg_ctx & Hreg & _)".
iMod (seal_store_init) as (seal_storeg) "Hseal_store".
iMod (@na_alloc Σ na_invg) as (logrel_nais) "Hna".
pose memg := MemG Σ Hinv mem_heapg.
pose regg := RegG Σ Hinv reg_heapg.
pose logrel_na_invs := Build_logrel_na_invs _ na_invg logrel_nais.
pose proof (
@counter_preamble_spec Σ memg regg seal_storeg logrel_na_invs
) as Spec.
(* Extract points-to for the various regions in memory *)
pose proof regions_disjoint as Hdisjoint.
rewrite {2}Hm.
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_link_table & Hdisjoint).
(* iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "Hmem Hfail_flag". *)
(* { disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_fail_flag. } *)
(* iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hfail_flag") as "Hfail_flag _". *)
(* by apply lookup_empty. cbn fst snd. *)
(* rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. intros (Hdisj_link_table & Hdisjoint). *)
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hlink_table]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver+ Hdisj_link_table. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_assert_flag & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hassert_flag]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_assert_flag. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hassert_flag") as "[Hassert_flag _]".
by apply lookup_empty. cbn [fst snd].
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_assert_cap & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hassert_cap]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_assert_cap. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hassert_cap") as "[Hassert_cap _]".
by apply lookup_empty. cbn [fst snd].
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_assert & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hassert]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_assert. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_malloc_mem & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hmalloc_mem]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_malloc_mem. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_malloc_memptr & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hmalloc_memptr]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_malloc_memptr. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hmalloc_memptr") as "[Hmalloc_memptr _]".
by apply lookup_empty. cbn [fst snd].
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_malloc_code & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hmalloc_code]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_malloc_code. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_adv & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hadv]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_adv. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_counter_body & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hcounter_body]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_counter_body. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_counter_preamble & _).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hcounter_link Hcounter_preamble]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_counter_preamble. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hcounter_link") as "[Hcounter_link _]". by apply lookup_empty.
cbn [fst snd].
clear Hdisj_link_table Hdisj_assert_flag Hdisj_assert_cap Hdisj_assert Hdisj_malloc_mem
Hdisj_malloc_memptr Hdisj_malloc_code Hdisj_adv Hdisj_counter_body Hdisj_counter_preamble.
(* Massage points-to into sepL2s with permission-pointsto *)
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hlink_table]") as ">Hlink_table". by apply link_table_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hassert]") as ">Hassert". by apply assert_code_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hmalloc_mem]") as ">Hmalloc_mem".
{ rewrite length_replicate /finz.dist. clear.
generalize malloc_mem_start malloc_end malloc_mem_size. solve_addr. }
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hmalloc_code]") as ">Hmalloc_code".
by apply malloc_code_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hadv]") as ">Hadv". rewrite length_app /=. by apply adv_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hcounter_preamble]") as ">Hcounter_preamble".
by apply counter_preamble_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hcounter_body]") as ">Hcounter_body". by apply counter_body_size.
rewrite -/(counter _ _) -/(counter_preamble _ _).
(* Split the link table *)
rewrite (finz_seq_between_cons link_table_start link_table_end).
2: { generalize link_table_size; clear; solve_addr. }
set link_entry_fail := (link_table_start ^+ 1)%a.
rewrite (finz_seq_between_cons link_entry_fail link_table_end).
2: { generalize link_table_size; clear. subst link_entry_fail.
generalize link_table_start link_table_end. solve_addr. }
rewrite (_: (link_entry_fail ^+ 1)%a = link_table_end).
2: { generalize link_table_size; clear. subst link_entry_fail.
generalize link_table_start link_table_end. solve_addr. }
iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons with "Hlink_table") as "[Hlink1 Hlink_table]".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons with "Hlink_table") as "[Hlink2 _]".
(* Allocate relevant invariants *)
iMod (inv_alloc flagN ⊤ (assert_flag ↦ₐ WInt 0%Z) with "Hassert_flag")%I as "#Hinv_assert_flag".
iMod (na_inv_alloc logrel_nais ⊤ assertN (assert_inv assert_start assert_flag assert_end)
with "[Hassert Hassert_cap]") as "#Hinv_assert".
{ iNext. rewrite /assert_inv. iExists assert_cap. iFrame. rewrite /codefrag.
rewrite (_: (assert_start ^+ length assert_subroutine_instrs)%a = assert_cap).
2: { generalize assert_code_size. solve_addr. } iFrame.
iPureIntro. generalize assert_code_size, assert_cap_size, assert_flag_size. cbn. done. }
iMod (na_inv_alloc logrel_nais ⊤ mallocN (malloc_inv malloc_start malloc_end)
with "[Hmalloc_code Hmalloc_memptr Hmalloc_mem]") as "#Hinv_malloc".
{ iNext. rewrite /malloc_inv. iExists malloc_memptr, malloc_mem_start.
iFrame. rewrite /codefrag.
rewrite (_: (malloc_start ^+ length malloc_subroutine_instrs)%a = malloc_memptr).
2: { generalize malloc_code_size. solve_addr. } iFrame.
iPureIntro. generalize malloc_code_size malloc_mem_size malloc_memptr_size. cbn.
clear; unfold malloc_subroutine_instrs_length; intros; repeat split; solve_addr. }
iDestruct (simple_malloc_subroutine_valid with "[$Hinv_malloc]") as "Hmalloc_val".
(* Show validity of the adversary capability *)
assert (contiguous_between (finz.seq_between adv_start adv_end) adv_start adv_end) as Hcont.
{ apply contiguous_between_region_addrs. clear -adv_size. solve_addr. }
iDestruct (contiguous_between_program_split with "Hadv") as (adv_words malloc_word adv_end'') "(Hadv & Hmalloc & #Hcont)";[eauto|].
iDestruct "Hcont" as %(Hcontadv & Hcontmalloc & Heqapp & Hlink).
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hmalloc") as %Hlen1. simpl in Hlen1.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hadv") as %Hlen2. simpl in Hlen2.
assert (adv_end' = adv_end'') as <-. solve_addr.
apply region_addrs_of_contiguous_between in Hcontadv as Heq'.
iAssert (|={⊤}=> interp (WCap RWX adv_start adv_end' adv_start))%I with "[Hadv]" as ">#Hadv".
{ rewrite Heq'. iApply (region_valid_in_region _ _ _ _ adv_val); eauto.
apply Forall_forall. intros. set_solver+. }
iAssert (|={⊤}=> interp (WCap RWX adv_start adv_end adv_start))%I with "[Hmalloc]" as ">#Hadv'".
{ iApply fixpoint_interp1_eq.
iSimpl. rewrite Heqapp Heq'.
iDestruct (fixpoint_interp1_eq with "Hadv") as "Hadv'". iSimpl in "Hadv'".
iApply big_sepL_app. iFrame "Hadv'".
destruct malloc_word;[inversion Hlen1|]. destruct malloc_word;[|inversion Hlen1].
iDestruct "Hmalloc" as "[Hmalloc _]". iSimpl. iSplitL;auto.
iExists interp. iSplitL;[|iModIntro;iSplit;auto].
iApply inv_alloc. iNext. iExists _. iFrame "∗ #". }
(* Apply the spec, obtain that the PC is in the expression relation *)
iAssert ((interp_expr interp reg) (WCap RX counter_region_start counter_region_end counter_preamble_start))
with "[Hcounter_preamble Hcounter_body Hinv_malloc Hcounter_link Hlink1 Hlink2]" as "HE".
{ assert (isCorrectPC_range RX counter_region_start counter_region_end
counter_preamble_start counter_body_start).
{ intros a [Ha1 Ha2]. constructor; auto.
generalize counter_linking_ptr_size counter_preamble_size counter_body_size. revert Ha1 Ha2. clear.
unfold counter_instrs_length, counter_preamble_instrs_length. solve_addr. }
set counter_preamble_move_addr := (counter_preamble_start ^+ counter_preamble_move_offset)%a.
assert ((counter_preamble_start + counter_preamble_move_offset)%a = Some counter_preamble_move_addr).
{ clear. subst counter_preamble_move_addr.
generalize counter_preamble_size.
unfold counter_preamble_instrs_length, counter_preamble_move_offset.
generalize counter_preamble_start counter_body_start. solve_addr. }
assert (counter_preamble_move_addr + offset_to_awkward = Some counter_body_start)%a.
{ generalize counter_preamble_size.
unfold counter_preamble_move_addr, offset_to_awkward, counter_preamble_instrs_length.
unfold counter_preamble_move_offset. clear.
generalize counter_preamble_start counter_body_start. solve_addr. }
assert (isCorrectPC_range RX counter_region_start counter_region_end
counter_body_start counter_region_end).
{ intros a [Ha1 Ha2]. constructor; auto.
generalize counter_linking_ptr_size counter_preamble_size counter_body_size. revert Ha1 Ha2; clear.
unfold counter_instrs_length, counter_preamble_instrs_length. solve_addr. }
iApply (Spec with "[$Hinv_malloc $Hinv_assert $Hcounter_body $Hcounter_preamble $Hcounter_link $Hlink1 $Hlink2]");
try eassumption.
- apply contiguous_between_region_addrs. generalize counter_preamble_size; clear.
unfold counter_preamble_instrs_length. solve_addr.
- apply le_addr_withinBounds. clear; solve_addr.
generalize link_table_size; clear; solve_addr.
- subst link_entry_fail. apply le_addr_withinBounds.
generalize link_table_start; clear; solve_addr.
generalize link_table_start link_table_end link_table_size. clear; solve_addr.
- clear; generalize link_table_start; solve_addr.
- clear; subst link_entry_fail;
generalize link_table_start link_table_end link_table_size; solve_addr.
- apply contiguous_between_region_addrs. generalize counter_body_size; clear.
unfold counter_instrs_length. solve_addr.
- solve_ndisj.
- solve_ndisj. }
clear Hm Spec. rewrite /interp_expr /=.
(* prepare registers *)
unfold is_initial_registers in Hreg.
destruct Hreg as (HPC & Hstk & Hrothers).
(* Specialize the expression relation, showing that registers are valid *)
iSpecialize ("HE" with "[Hreg Hna]").
{ iFrame. iSplit; cycle 1.
{ iFrame. rewrite /registers_pointsto. by rewrite insert_id. }
{ iSplit. iPureIntro; intros; by apply initial_registers_full_map.
(* All capabilities in registers are valid! *)
iIntros (r v HrnPC Hsv).
(* r0 (return pointer to the adversary) is valid. Prove it using the
fundamental theorem. *)
destruct (decide (r = r_t0)) as [ -> |].
{ rewrite Hsv in Hstk. inversion Hstk; subst v.
iFrame "#". }
(* Other registers *)
destruct (Hrothers r) as [rw [Hrw Hncap] ]. set_solver.
destruct rw; [| by inversion Hncap..]. simplify_map_eq. rewrite Hsv in Hrw ; simplify_eq.
by rewrite !fixpoint_interp1_eq /=. } }
(* We get a WP; conclude using the rest of the Iris adequacy theorem *)
(* Same as the state_interp of memG_irisG in rules_base.v *)
iExists (fun σ κs _ => ((gen_heap_interp σ.1) ∗ (gen_heap_interp σ.2)))%I.
iExists (fun _ => True)%I. cbn. iFrame.
iSplitL "HE". { iApply (wp_wand with "HE"). eauto. }
iIntros "[Hreg' Hmem']". iExists (⊤ ∖ ↑flagN).
iInv flagN as ">Hflag" "Hclose".
iDestruct (gen_heap_valid with "Hmem' Hflag") as %Hm'_flag.
iModIntro. iPureIntro. apply Hm'_flag.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
End Adequacy.
Theorem counter_adequacy `{MachineParameters} `{memory_layout}
(m m': Mem) (reg reg': Reg) (es: list cap_lang.expr):
is_initial_memory m →
is_initial_registers reg →
rtc erased_step ([Seq (Instr Executable)], (reg, m)) (es, (reg', m')) →
m' !! assert_flag = Some (WInt 0%Z).
set (Σ := #[invΣ; gen_heapΣ Addr Word; gen_heapΣ RegName Word; sealStorePreΣ;
eapply (@counter_adequacy' Σ); typeclasses eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.base_logic Require Import invariants.
From iris.program_logic Require Import adequacy.
Require Import Eqdep_dec.
From cap_machine Require Import
stdpp_extra iris_extra
rules logrel fundamental.
From cap_machine.examples Require Import macros malloc.
From cap_machine.examples.counter Require Import counter_preamble.
From cap_machine.proofmode Require Import disjoint_regions_tactics mkregion_helpers.
Instance DisjointList_list_Addr : DisjointList (list Addr).
Proof. exact (@disjoint_list_default _ _ app []). Defined.
Class memory_layout `{MachineParameters} := {
(* awkward example: preamble & body *)
counter_region_start : Addr;
counter_preamble_start : Addr;
counter_body_start : Addr;
counter_region_end : Addr;
(* pointer to the linking table, at the beginning of the region *)
counter_linking_ptr_size :
(counter_region_start + 1)%a = Some counter_preamble_start;
(* preamble code, that allocates the closure *)
counter_preamble_size :
(counter_preamble_start + counter_preamble_instrs_length)%a
= Some counter_body_start;
(* code of the body, wrapped in the closure allocated by the preamble *)
counter_body_size :
(counter_body_start + counter_instrs_length)%a
= Some counter_region_end;
(* adversary code *)
adv_start : Addr;
adv_end : Addr;
(* malloc routine *)
malloc_start : Addr;
malloc_memptr : Addr;
malloc_mem_start : Addr;
malloc_end : Addr;
malloc_code_size :
(malloc_start + length malloc_subroutine_instrs)%a
= Some malloc_memptr;
malloc_memptr_size :
(malloc_memptr + 1)%a = Some malloc_mem_start;
malloc_mem_size :
(malloc_mem_start <= malloc_end)%a;
(* fail routine *)
assert_start : Addr;
assert_cap : Addr;
assert_flag : Addr;
assert_end : Addr;
assert_code_size :
(assert_start + length assert_subroutine_instrs)%a = Some assert_cap;
assert_cap_size :
(assert_cap + 1)%a = Some assert_flag;
assert_flag_size :
(assert_flag + 1)%a = Some assert_end;
(* link table *)
link_table_start : Addr;
link_table_end : Addr;
link_table_size :
(link_table_start + 2)%a = Some link_table_end;
(* disjointness of all the regions above *)
regions_disjoint :
## [
finz.seq_between link_table_start link_table_end;
finz.seq_between assert_start assert_cap;
finz.seq_between malloc_mem_start malloc_end;
finz.seq_between malloc_start malloc_memptr;
finz.seq_between adv_start adv_end;
finz.seq_between counter_body_start counter_region_end;
finz.seq_between counter_preamble_start counter_body_start;
Definition offset_to_awkward `{memory_layout} : Z :=
(* in this setup, the body of the counter comes just after the code
of the preamble *)
(counter_preamble_instrs_length - counter_preamble_move_offset)%Z.
Definition mk_initial_memory `{memory_layout} (adv_val: list Word) : gmap Addr Word :=
(* pointer to the linking table *)
list_to_map [(counter_region_start,
WCap RO link_table_start link_table_end link_table_start)]
∪ mkregion counter_preamble_start counter_body_start
(* preamble: code that creates the awkward example closure *)
(counter_preamble_instrs 0%Z (* offset to malloc in linking table *)
offset_to_awkward (* offset to the body of the example *))
∪ mkregion counter_body_start counter_region_end
(* body of the counter, that will be encapsulated in the closure
created by the preamble *)
(counter_instrs 1) (* offset to fail in the linking table *)
∪ mkregion adv_start adv_end
(* adversarial code: any code or data, but no capabilities (see condition below) except for malloc *)
(adv_val ++ [WCap E malloc_start malloc_end malloc_start])
∪ mkregion malloc_start malloc_memptr
(* code for the malloc subroutine *)
∪ list_to_map
(* Capability to malloc's memory pool, used by the malloc subroutine *)
[(malloc_memptr, WCap RWX malloc_memptr malloc_end malloc_mem_start)]
∪ mkregion malloc_mem_start malloc_end
(* Malloc's memory pool, initialized to zero *)
(region_addrs_zeroes malloc_mem_start malloc_end)
∪ mkregion assert_start assert_cap
(* code for the failure subroutine *)
∪ list_to_map [(assert_cap, WCap RW assert_flag assert_end assert_flag)]
(* pointer to the "assert" flag, set to 1 by the routine *)
∪ list_to_map [(assert_flag, WInt 0%Z)]
(* assert flag, initialized to 0 *)
∪ mkregion link_table_start link_table_end
(* link table, with pointers to the malloc and failure subroutines *)
[WCap E malloc_start malloc_end malloc_start;
WCap E assert_start assert_end assert_start]
Definition is_initial_memory `{memory_layout} (m: gmap Addr Word) :=
∃ (adv_val: list Word) (adv_end': Addr),
m = mk_initial_memory adv_val
(* the adversarial region in memory must only contain instructions, no
capabilities (it can thus only access capabilities the awkward preamble
passes it through the registers) *)
Forall (λ w, is_z w = true \/ in_region w adv_start adv_end') adv_val ∧
(adv_end' + 1)%a = Some adv_end /\
(adv_start + (length adv_val + 1)%nat)%a = Some adv_end.
Definition is_initial_registers `{memory_layout} (reg: gmap RegName Word) :=
reg !! PC = Some (WCap RX counter_region_start counter_region_end counter_preamble_start) ∧
reg !! r_t0 = Some (WCap RWX adv_start adv_end adv_start) ∧
(∀ (r: RegName), r ∉ ({[ PC; r_t0 ]} : gset RegName) →
∃ (w:Word), reg !! r = Some w ∧ is_z w = true).
Lemma initial_registers_full_map `{MachineParameters, memory_layout} reg :
is_initial_registers reg →
(∀ r, is_Some (reg !! r)).
intros (HPC & Hr0 & Hothers) r.
destruct (decide (r = PC)) as [->|]. by eauto.
destruct (decide (r = r_t0)) as [->|]. by eauto.
destruct (Hothers r) as (w & ? & ?); [| eauto]. set_solver.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
Section Adequacy.
Context (Σ: gFunctors).
Context {inv_preg: invGpreS Σ}.
Context {mem_preg: gen_heapGpreS Addr Word Σ}.
Context {reg_preg: gen_heapGpreS RegName Word Σ}.
Context {seal_store_preg: sealStorePreG Σ}.
Context {na_invg: na_invG Σ}.
Context `{MP: MachineParameters}.
Definition assertN : namespace := nroot .@ "lib" .@ "assert".
Definition flagN : namespace := nroot .@ "lib" .@ "assert_flag".
Definition mallocN : namespace := nroot .@ "lib" .@ "malloc".
Lemma counter_adequacy' `{memory_layout} (m m': Mem) (reg reg': Reg) (es: list cap_lang.expr):
is_initial_memory m →
is_initial_registers reg →
rtc erased_step ([Seq (Instr Executable)], (reg, m)) (es, (reg', m')) →
m' !! assert_flag = Some (WInt 0%Z).
intros Hm Hreg Hstep.
pose proof (@wp_invariance Σ cap_lang _ NotStuck) as WPI. cbn in WPI.
pose (fun (c: ExecConf) => c.2 !! assert_flag = Some (WInt 0%Z)) as state_is_good.
specialize (WPI (Seq (Instr Executable)) (reg, m) es (reg', m') (state_is_good (reg', m'))).
eapply WPI. 2: assumption. intros Hinv κs. clear WPI.
destruct Hm as (adv_val & adv_end' & Hm & Hadv_val & adv_incr & adv_size).
iMod (gen_heap_init (m:Mem)) as (mem_heapg) "(Hmem_ctx & Hmem & _)".
iMod (gen_heap_init (reg:Reg)) as (reg_heapg) "(Hreg_ctx & Hreg & _)".
iMod (seal_store_init) as (seal_storeg) "Hseal_store".
iMod (@na_alloc Σ na_invg) as (logrel_nais) "Hna".
pose memg := MemG Σ Hinv mem_heapg.
pose regg := RegG Σ Hinv reg_heapg.
pose logrel_na_invs := Build_logrel_na_invs _ na_invg logrel_nais.
pose proof (
@counter_preamble_spec Σ memg regg seal_storeg logrel_na_invs
) as Spec.
(* Extract points-to for the various regions in memory *)
pose proof regions_disjoint as Hdisjoint.
rewrite {2}Hm.
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_link_table & Hdisjoint).
(* iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "Hmem Hfail_flag". *)
(* { disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_fail_flag. } *)
(* iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hfail_flag") as "Hfail_flag _". *)
(* by apply lookup_empty. cbn fst snd. *)
(* rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. intros (Hdisj_link_table & Hdisjoint). *)
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hlink_table]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver+ Hdisj_link_table. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_assert_flag & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hassert_flag]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_assert_flag. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hassert_flag") as "[Hassert_flag _]".
by apply lookup_empty. cbn [fst snd].
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_assert_cap & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hassert_cap]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_assert_cap. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hassert_cap") as "[Hassert_cap _]".
by apply lookup_empty. cbn [fst snd].
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_assert & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hassert]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_assert. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_malloc_mem & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hmalloc_mem]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_malloc_mem. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_malloc_memptr & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hmalloc_memptr]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_malloc_memptr. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hmalloc_memptr") as "[Hmalloc_memptr _]".
by apply lookup_empty. cbn [fst snd].
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_malloc_code & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hmalloc_code]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_malloc_code. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_adv & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hadv]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_adv. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_counter_body & Hdisjoint).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hmem Hcounter_body]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_counter_body. }
rewrite disjoint_list_cons in Hdisjoint |- *. destruct Hdisjoint as (Hdisj_counter_preamble & _).
iDestruct (big_sepM_union with "Hmem") as "[Hcounter_link Hcounter_preamble]".
{ disjoint_map_to_list. set_solver +Hdisj_counter_preamble. }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hcounter_link") as "[Hcounter_link _]". by apply lookup_empty.
cbn [fst snd].
clear Hdisj_link_table Hdisj_assert_flag Hdisj_assert_cap Hdisj_assert Hdisj_malloc_mem
Hdisj_malloc_memptr Hdisj_malloc_code Hdisj_adv Hdisj_counter_body Hdisj_counter_preamble.
(* Massage points-to into sepL2s with permission-pointsto *)
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hlink_table]") as ">Hlink_table". by apply link_table_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hassert]") as ">Hassert". by apply assert_code_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hmalloc_mem]") as ">Hmalloc_mem".
{ rewrite length_replicate /finz.dist. clear.
generalize malloc_mem_start malloc_end malloc_mem_size. solve_addr. }
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hmalloc_code]") as ">Hmalloc_code".
by apply malloc_code_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hadv]") as ">Hadv". rewrite length_app /=. by apply adv_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hcounter_preamble]") as ">Hcounter_preamble".
by apply counter_preamble_size.
iDestruct (mkregion_prepare with "[$Hcounter_body]") as ">Hcounter_body". by apply counter_body_size.
rewrite -/(counter _ _) -/(counter_preamble _ _).
(* Split the link table *)
rewrite (finz_seq_between_cons link_table_start link_table_end).
2: { generalize link_table_size; clear; solve_addr. }
set link_entry_fail := (link_table_start ^+ 1)%a.
rewrite (finz_seq_between_cons link_entry_fail link_table_end).
2: { generalize link_table_size; clear. subst link_entry_fail.
generalize link_table_start link_table_end. solve_addr. }
rewrite (_: (link_entry_fail ^+ 1)%a = link_table_end).
2: { generalize link_table_size; clear. subst link_entry_fail.
generalize link_table_start link_table_end. solve_addr. }
iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons with "Hlink_table") as "[Hlink1 Hlink_table]".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons with "Hlink_table") as "[Hlink2 _]".
(* Allocate relevant invariants *)
iMod (inv_alloc flagN ⊤ (assert_flag ↦ₐ WInt 0%Z) with "Hassert_flag")%I as "#Hinv_assert_flag".
iMod (na_inv_alloc logrel_nais ⊤ assertN (assert_inv assert_start assert_flag assert_end)
with "[Hassert Hassert_cap]") as "#Hinv_assert".
{ iNext. rewrite /assert_inv. iExists assert_cap. iFrame. rewrite /codefrag.
rewrite (_: (assert_start ^+ length assert_subroutine_instrs)%a = assert_cap).
2: { generalize assert_code_size. solve_addr. } iFrame.
iPureIntro. generalize assert_code_size, assert_cap_size, assert_flag_size. cbn. done. }
iMod (na_inv_alloc logrel_nais ⊤ mallocN (malloc_inv malloc_start malloc_end)
with "[Hmalloc_code Hmalloc_memptr Hmalloc_mem]") as "#Hinv_malloc".
{ iNext. rewrite /malloc_inv. iExists malloc_memptr, malloc_mem_start.
iFrame. rewrite /codefrag.
rewrite (_: (malloc_start ^+ length malloc_subroutine_instrs)%a = malloc_memptr).
2: { generalize malloc_code_size. solve_addr. } iFrame.
iPureIntro. generalize malloc_code_size malloc_mem_size malloc_memptr_size. cbn.
clear; unfold malloc_subroutine_instrs_length; intros; repeat split; solve_addr. }
iDestruct (simple_malloc_subroutine_valid with "[$Hinv_malloc]") as "Hmalloc_val".
(* Show validity of the adversary capability *)
assert (contiguous_between (finz.seq_between adv_start adv_end) adv_start adv_end) as Hcont.
{ apply contiguous_between_region_addrs. clear -adv_size. solve_addr. }
iDestruct (contiguous_between_program_split with "Hadv") as (adv_words malloc_word adv_end'') "(Hadv & Hmalloc & #Hcont)";[eauto|].
iDestruct "Hcont" as %(Hcontadv & Hcontmalloc & Heqapp & Hlink).
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hmalloc") as %Hlen1. simpl in Hlen1.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hadv") as %Hlen2. simpl in Hlen2.
assert (adv_end' = adv_end'') as <-. solve_addr.
apply region_addrs_of_contiguous_between in Hcontadv as Heq'.
iAssert (|={⊤}=> interp (WCap RWX adv_start adv_end' adv_start))%I with "[Hadv]" as ">#Hadv".
{ rewrite Heq'. iApply (region_valid_in_region _ _ _ _ adv_val); eauto.
apply Forall_forall. intros. set_solver+. }
iAssert (|={⊤}=> interp (WCap RWX adv_start adv_end adv_start))%I with "[Hmalloc]" as ">#Hadv'".
{ iApply fixpoint_interp1_eq.
iSimpl. rewrite Heqapp Heq'.
iDestruct (fixpoint_interp1_eq with "Hadv") as "Hadv'". iSimpl in "Hadv'".
iApply big_sepL_app. iFrame "Hadv'".
destruct malloc_word;[inversion Hlen1|]. destruct malloc_word;[|inversion Hlen1].
iDestruct "Hmalloc" as "[Hmalloc _]". iSimpl. iSplitL;auto.
iExists interp. iSplitL;[|iModIntro;iSplit;auto].
iApply inv_alloc. iNext. iExists _. iFrame "∗ #". }
(* Apply the spec, obtain that the PC is in the expression relation *)
iAssert ((interp_expr interp reg) (WCap RX counter_region_start counter_region_end counter_preamble_start))
with "[Hcounter_preamble Hcounter_body Hinv_malloc Hcounter_link Hlink1 Hlink2]" as "HE".
{ assert (isCorrectPC_range RX counter_region_start counter_region_end
counter_preamble_start counter_body_start).
{ intros a [Ha1 Ha2]. constructor; auto.
generalize counter_linking_ptr_size counter_preamble_size counter_body_size. revert Ha1 Ha2. clear.
unfold counter_instrs_length, counter_preamble_instrs_length. solve_addr. }
set counter_preamble_move_addr := (counter_preamble_start ^+ counter_preamble_move_offset)%a.
assert ((counter_preamble_start + counter_preamble_move_offset)%a = Some counter_preamble_move_addr).
{ clear. subst counter_preamble_move_addr.
generalize counter_preamble_size.
unfold counter_preamble_instrs_length, counter_preamble_move_offset.
generalize counter_preamble_start counter_body_start. solve_addr. }
assert (counter_preamble_move_addr + offset_to_awkward = Some counter_body_start)%a.
{ generalize counter_preamble_size.
unfold counter_preamble_move_addr, offset_to_awkward, counter_preamble_instrs_length.
unfold counter_preamble_move_offset. clear.
generalize counter_preamble_start counter_body_start. solve_addr. }
assert (isCorrectPC_range RX counter_region_start counter_region_end
counter_body_start counter_region_end).
{ intros a [Ha1 Ha2]. constructor; auto.
generalize counter_linking_ptr_size counter_preamble_size counter_body_size. revert Ha1 Ha2; clear.
unfold counter_instrs_length, counter_preamble_instrs_length. solve_addr. }
iApply (Spec with "[$Hinv_malloc $Hinv_assert $Hcounter_body $Hcounter_preamble $Hcounter_link $Hlink1 $Hlink2]");
try eassumption.
- apply contiguous_between_region_addrs. generalize counter_preamble_size; clear.
unfold counter_preamble_instrs_length. solve_addr.
- apply le_addr_withinBounds. clear; solve_addr.
generalize link_table_size; clear; solve_addr.
- subst link_entry_fail. apply le_addr_withinBounds.
generalize link_table_start; clear; solve_addr.
generalize link_table_start link_table_end link_table_size. clear; solve_addr.
- clear; generalize link_table_start; solve_addr.
- clear; subst link_entry_fail;
generalize link_table_start link_table_end link_table_size; solve_addr.
- apply contiguous_between_region_addrs. generalize counter_body_size; clear.
unfold counter_instrs_length. solve_addr.
- solve_ndisj.
- solve_ndisj. }
clear Hm Spec. rewrite /interp_expr /=.
(* prepare registers *)
unfold is_initial_registers in Hreg.
destruct Hreg as (HPC & Hstk & Hrothers).
(* Specialize the expression relation, showing that registers are valid *)
iSpecialize ("HE" with "[Hreg Hna]").
{ iFrame. iSplit; cycle 1.
{ iFrame. rewrite /registers_pointsto. by rewrite insert_id. }
{ iSplit. iPureIntro; intros; by apply initial_registers_full_map.
(* All capabilities in registers are valid! *)
iIntros (r v HrnPC Hsv).
(* r0 (return pointer to the adversary) is valid. Prove it using the
fundamental theorem. *)
destruct (decide (r = r_t0)) as [ -> |].
{ rewrite Hsv in Hstk. inversion Hstk; subst v.
iFrame "#". }
(* Other registers *)
destruct (Hrothers r) as [rw [Hrw Hncap] ]. set_solver.
destruct rw; [| by inversion Hncap..]. simplify_map_eq. rewrite Hsv in Hrw ; simplify_eq.
by rewrite !fixpoint_interp1_eq /=. } }
(* We get a WP; conclude using the rest of the Iris adequacy theorem *)
(* Same as the state_interp of memG_irisG in rules_base.v *)
iExists (fun σ κs _ => ((gen_heap_interp σ.1) ∗ (gen_heap_interp σ.2)))%I.
iExists (fun _ => True)%I. cbn. iFrame.
iSplitL "HE". { iApply (wp_wand with "HE"). eauto. }
iIntros "[Hreg' Hmem']". iExists (⊤ ∖ ↑flagN).
iInv flagN as ">Hflag" "Hclose".
iDestruct (gen_heap_valid with "Hmem' Hflag") as %Hm'_flag.
iModIntro. iPureIntro. apply Hm'_flag.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.
End Adequacy.
Theorem counter_adequacy `{MachineParameters} `{memory_layout}
(m m': Mem) (reg reg': Reg) (es: list cap_lang.expr):
is_initial_memory m →
is_initial_registers reg →
rtc erased_step ([Seq (Instr Executable)], (reg, m)) (es, (reg', m')) →
m' !! assert_flag = Some (WInt 0%Z).
set (Σ := #[invΣ; gen_heapΣ Addr Word; gen_heapΣ RegName Word; sealStorePreΣ;
eapply (@counter_adequacy' Σ); typeclasses eauto.
Unshelve. Fail idtac. Admitted.